
Censorship In China Research Paper

Decent Essays

China’s Method of Censorship Online In an average, everyday American life after school or work they would go home and do homework, or eat some kind of snack. If they have any special plans or a sport so to speak, they would do those sorts of things, but if not this is usually when the technology starts to come into play. Laptops, computers, tablets, phones, Ipods. All these things have access to the internet, better yet, they thrive on it. All of these electronic devices almost have no use without the internet. All this information and knowledge, uncensored and completely open to the public eye, this is what it is like in one place, but it's slightly different in another. In China they might follow the same rhyme or reason, but over all the internet, time is generally shortened. This is because of how limited the internet is. China's internet is censored by a firewall the Chinese government put up. The Chinese government blocks almost all communication sites, makes large companies censor their online content if they want to be allowed on the Chinese internet, and is doing all this without the bulk of their population finding out. Sending an email, posting a selfie, tweeting, or even just updating your status, these are all things that are not permitted within the borders of China. On July 7th 2009 China blocked two of the biggest social media …show more content…

They wouldn't, eventually the site would just not load, and then the head office would go away, last it would show up in the headlines. It is not just social media, it is every type of communication site, every email, and Skype. The main problem that was occurring with this was that people could not communicate with their loved ones overseas not just the fact that they couldn't tweet or post. Even though the Chinese can not access these mainstream technologies, does not mean they have a

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