
Censorship In Brave New World Essay

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“Research on the Censorship of ‘Brave New World””
Although being a subject of controversy for many decades, the novel Brave New World has survived the test of time and is even considered a classic. With that in mind, this novel is still continued to be challenged as it ranked number 7 in ALA’s “Frequently Challenged Books for the 21st Century” for 2011 (“Frequently Challenged Books for the 21st Century”). This list is composed of books that people don’t believe are suitable for the public to view. Another name for this, when the books are actually banned, is called censorship. However, should people actually be able to infringe on other people’s right to read books based on their narrow moral or religious views? As for Brave New World, I believe it should be available for any person to read it; nevertheless, if that one person is a child, then that person should ask his or her parent for permission before reading.
Censorship can be defined in many ways depending on the person. Censorship can be seen as an expression of one’s rights; however, at the same time, it is the suppression of …show more content…

For example, Bernard says this to Lenina, “Yes, ’Everybody’s happy nowadays.’… But wouldn’t you like to be free to be happy in some other way, Lenina? In your own way, for example; not in everybody else’s way” (Huxley 91). Although this seems like common thought to people from our current time, Lenina acted in scared manner, which reflects the effect of her hypnopaedic training. With this in mind, it is important because it represents a stance against societal views which are usually treated as “normal.” Moreover, throughout the story many other things, which include the finer arts, romance, and religion, are sacrificed for the sake of happiness. This, in turn, may make one ask the question, “If many sacrifices are necessary for the pursuit of happiness, is happiness really worth the

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