
Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society

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Although smartphones have allowed people to communicate easily long distance through texts and calls, they have also made proper, meaningful, oral conversation almost extinct (Liew 1). When talking to another person, many people use text language instead of proper and advanced vocabulary. In today’s society text language, such as jk or lol, is common in everyday texting, but to past generations the use of this language is foreign. That shows the major change that cell phones have had on society. People who were born before 1973 grew up without cell phones,and when they did finally get their first phone, they used it only for calling people. Young teens today will hang out with each other, but there is a secret tag along friend, their phones, that never seems to leave them alone. It is not uncommon to have both people checking Instagram and texting others instead of socializing. Along with destroying proper oral communication, smartphones have made people less resourceful. With this one little device, the smartphone, the world is at anyone’s fingertips.Although this is good because it has allowed people to research things more easily, it has also changed people into less resourceful people. When asked a question, people will go on their smartphones and check the answer. This is a quick and easy way to get information, but people don’t think anymore. They check their phones and find whatever they need, but if they thought for just a minute or two more, they would have

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