
Celiac Disease And Gluten Free Products

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That may be a snarky way of saying it, but it’s true. Scientific studies have concluded that sensitivity to gluten for people who do not have Celiac disease may be completely psychological.Especially relevant in a country where 17 million people may unnecessarily believe that they are gluten sensitive. (Source: A Mayo Clinic survey in 2012, cited in a NY Times article.)Especially shocking in a planet that spent $10.5 billion last year in gluten free products. (Source: Mintel, a market research company, cited in the NY Times article.)Especially important because a psychological disease can spread as fast as any virus but be more enduring.Especially lucrative for all the food companies making tons of money off of people like you.
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This disease is largely self-diagnosed, and studies are starting to show that it is not real. Professor and scientist Peter Gibson is a hot shot when it comes to studying gluten. He did a study in 2011 that gave a lot of credit to the belief in (non-Celiac) gluteny sensitivity. But when he revisited the study again in 2013, but with much more rigor given that NCGS was becoming a worldwide phenomenon. These are the measures he took to get valid results:
Subjects were given every single meal for the duration of the study.Any other potential causes of bad stomach symptoms were removed from the diet. (Think lactose from milk.)And just in case you did not think he was serious, Peter collected nine days worth of urine and fecal matter. (Now that’s a topic of conversation.) The results were pretty shocking. They concluded that gluten in no way could have caused any of the negative symptoms that the subjects were suffering from.NOCEBO might sound like the name of the latest trendy NYC neighborhood, but it’s not. It is a term that means something HARMLESS that causes harmful effects to people who take it. For the people in this very thorough medical study, gluten was proven to be a NOCEBO. People who did not take gluten but thought they were eating it began to get the that list of symptoms you would not want to wish on your enemies. In the study’s own terms, “We found no evidence of specific or dose-dependent effects of

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