
Causes Of The Loss Of Bees

Decent Essays

All kinds of honey bees perform about 80 percent of all pollination in the world. One bee colony alone can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. Not everything but most fruits, nuts and vegetables are pollinated by bees. 70% human food crops—which supply about 90 percent of the world’s nutrition—are pollinated by bees. The loss of bees in America has greatly affected agriculture and humans both. CCD, colony collapse disorder which is syndrome defined as a dead colony with no adult bees or dead bee bodies but with a live queen and usually honey and immature bees still present.

Most sources say that causes of major bee loss are unknown but Greenpeace says that that’s not true. Some reasons they listed include pesticides, drought, habitat destruction , air pollution, nutrition deficit, global warming, and more. Reproduction naturally slows in the winter months and the population can decrease from five to twenty percent and then normally be replaced in the spring and summer months. One-hundred fifty …show more content…

As of October 2015, the rapid loss of bees has been deemed an urgent crisis. There had been a monetary loss of thirty billion dollars a year. The USDA issued three million dollar investment in farmer’s aid is nothing compared to what’s been lost. Some more obvious effects of bee loss would be lack of food for the whole planet. A majority of humans could become malnourished. Crops will become scarce. The effects of the loss of bees could be catastrophic and we will slowly but surely run out of food unless we come up with some fake electronic stuff or ,and more likely, save the

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