
Causes Of The Boston Massacre

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In March of 1770, the tensions were high between the American colonist and the British soldiers stationed in Boston Massachusetts. The massacre happened on March 5, between the British troops and a crowd in Boston. In the evening of that day, tension would reach a bloody and dangours point resulting in what has been named The Boston Massacre which had also been called the “Incident on King Street” by the British. This incident would turn out to be one of the major events leading to the American Revolution. The story about how the Boston Massacre happened always is different for each person, and varies on how it is told. (Boston Massacre Facts) (Wallenfeldt) (White)
In order to protect colonial officials who had the job of enforcing very …show more content…

Eventually seeing the torment against White, an officer and six privates came to Private White 's aid. There was a rule about how the soldiers were only allowed to fire if and only if the crowd had not dispersed within an hour. They loaded their weapons and positioned themselves in a defensive form. The mob grew to over 300 angry colonists. In the mob of angry colonist there was confusion, some soldiers though that they had heard the command to fire and followed through. When a British soldier, was struck and hit by an object thrown by one of the colonists, he fired his weapon into the crowd. Several other British troops followed his actions, before the massacre came to an end and the crowd dispersed. Captain Thomas Preston was the British officer in charge on the day. He insisted that he never gave the order for his troops to fire their guns. Yet at some point, they fired their guns, and the deaths and injuries mounted. It was Preston who ended the shooting. (Boston Massacre Facts) (Wallenfeldt) (White)
Not long after, Preston and the seven soldiers that he led were under arrest. The sentry who they had went to rescue was under arrest as well. A town meeting the next morning had produced a demand for the removal of all the troops, and by March 11 both the 14th. Fearing for their safety, customs commissioners had left town. Various conflictions had delayed the soldier’s trials for months. In the provisional, both sides of the clash attempted to

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