
Causes Of The American Revolution

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The men and women who colonized America desired a new level of freedom. They formed colonial legislatures which provided them with a feeling of independence from the British Crown and they were now able to pass their own laws. Before the French and Indian War, the British limited their interference with the American colonies. However, after the war the British needed to raise money to pay their war debts. England was now heavily in debt and in order to recover financially they began levying taxes on the American colonies. The British government passed a list of acts on the American colonies which would lead the colonies to revolt against the crown and begin the revolutionary war. British Acts on Colonial America (n.d.) stated the following acts passed by the British government would be the primary cause leading to the Revolution. The Navigation Acts passed in 1651 and were trade rules that governed commerce between Britain and its colonies. The laws were designed to protect British economic interests in colonial trade and to protect its industry against the rapidly growing Dutch navigation trade. The Currency Act passed in 1751 prohibited the issue of new bills of credit by New England colonies in order to control currency depreciation against silver and sterling and to ensure its value for payments of debt to British merchants. The Sugar Act of 1764 amended the existing 1733 Molasses Act. The Act increased the duty of molasses. It enforced the Navigation Acts by

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