
Causes Of The American Revolution

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Historically, there are many speculations as to why and how the American Revolution started. Most historians argue that “taxation without representation” was the cause of this war. The colonist were faithful citizens of the English empire, they both benefitted from each other. England provided protection of pirates, guaranteed markets and in return the colonist increased their wealth. The conflict began when the British conquered Canada from France, now Canada was not a threat to the colonists. The British became over 130 million in dept. And that is when they enacted the stamp, sugar, and Townshend Acts on the colonist, to pay their fair share in their depts. The colonists deputed these taxes, stating that they were taxed without representation in parliament. This was the spark of the revolution and what started the conflicts. However, there is controversy as to if the American Revolution was a conservative movement or if it was radicle. Robert Eldon Brown argues that yes the American Revolution was conservative stating that America had become a middle-class society and the separation from England was a rebellion about the overpowering political and economic control that they imposed on the colonists. On the other hand, Alan Taylor and Gordon Wood proclaims that the revolution was radicle explaining that the brutal tactics used during the war was radicle and that America was not middle class it was divided in strictly the upper elite and the poor commoners, which created conflicts. “The American Revolution was as radicle as any other revolution, but in a special 18th century way” is valid because of the extremely radicle guerilla warfare tactics used that was different than other revolutions, it was a peoples war against the western imperialism, and the class difference and conflicts between the elite and commoners the war divided the society into two. Firstly, the American Revolution was radicle because a never seen before radicle guerilla warfare tactic was used by the colonist to destroy the British. Secondly, the American Revolution was the first effective war against imperialism of the west that resulted in freedom of the people. Finally, America was not composed of middle-class; there were distinct

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