
Causes Of Environmental Pollution

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People throw away whatever they don’t need any more for more than hundreds and thousands of years, this reaches from the old medieval period where people throw their trash and feces on the street to the modern time where people throw plastic in the oceans or pollute the air with toxic gasses and carbon dioxide. In this paper, I will focuses on the challenges around the pollution of the air with carbon dioxide.

The nature of this problem is the nature of the primary human behavior itself. Humans in their basic behaviors only focuses on their own problems and tries to fulfill his own demands and only uses other humans to help him in this process, often in a quid-pro-quo relationship. This instincts lead to the behavior that humans follow the quote “Out of sight, out of mind” and get rid of their unwanted stuff without caring about the effects on other people or the environment. Even if the pollution of the air get effects the person itself, the utilization of the drive with the car is higher than the negative impacts that his pollution has on himself.
As long as there are practices that can fulfill some people’s demands, are cheap and results in a pollution of the environment, there will be ongoing pollution.

The challenge to start actions against our primary instincts and convince people to do the same is quite hard. In developed countries it is hard and almost impossible to convince people to spend more money to reduce the pollution for everybody. Like it can be seen in a lot of this countries, the only way is to create alternatives that are even cheaper or bring other benefits that eliminate the negative effect of spending money. So it can be seen that most of the people switched to energy saving light bulbs or led light bulbs after they knew that they will save money in a longer term.
In undeveloped countries it is a lot harder to convince people to stop polluting and switch to renewable energy, because they got even less money and can’t afford green investments that would pay off in a long term perspective. The only way to get people in undeveloped countries to stop polluting is to offer finance support that make it possible for them to pay for the long term investments or to decrease to amount the cost

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