
Cause Of Schizophrenia

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There are many causes to Schizophrenia. Many causes are genetics, brain chemistry and structure, and the environment of a human being. Genetically Schizophrenia can run through a family and can be passed on generations at a time. “Individuals with a first degree relative (parent or sibling) who has schizophrenia have a 10 percent chance of developing the disorder, as opposed to the 1 percent chance of the general population.” ( Identical twins are a good example of this. “If an identical twin is diagnosed with Schizophrenia the other twin is 50 percent more likely to also be diagnosed with the mental disorder (” Brain chemistry and structure is another big factor in the cause of Schizophrenia. Neurotransmitters- …show more content…

If the chemicals in the brain are having trouble going through the brain then that can cause a psychological disorder such as Schizophrenia. There is also evidence to suggest that the brain of people with Schizophrenia is different than those that have healthier brains. “Some studies also suggest that abnormalities in the temporal lobes, hippocampus, and amygdala are connected to schizophrenia’s positive symptoms (hallucinations or delusions) (” In my opinion, the environment one endures can be the biggest factor in the cause of schizophrenia. Child abuse, early traumatic events, severe stress, and negative life events can all have a very huge impact in the cause of Schizophrenia. What someone went through in their past can determine their future. There are five types of Schizophrenia. These types are: Paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual Schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia is where people see hallucinations and have delusions about a problem or conspiracy. John Nash, the Nobel peace prize winner, is a good example of someone that has paranoid schizophrenia. “He believed that all men wearing red ties were part of a communist plot against …show more content…

In some people's cases, Schizophrenia appears suddenly and without warning. But for most it comes slowly, with subtle warning signs and a gradual decline in functioning long before the first severe episode. “In the early phases of Schizophrenia people often seem eccentric, unmotivated, emotionless, and reclusive (” They may isolate themselves and not want to participate in daily activities such as playing with their children, going outside, or getting off the couch. They abandon their hobbies and they do not do well in their jobs. “The most common early warning signs of Schizophrenia include: social withdrawal, hostility or suspiciousness, deterioration of personal hygiene, having a flat and expressionless gaze, the inability to cry or express joy, inappropriate laughter or crying, depression, oversleeping or insomnia, odd or irrational statements, forgetfulness or the inability to concentrate, extreme reaction to criticism, and or strange use of words or way of speaking (” There are five types of symptoms of Schizophrenia. Positive is a symptom that involves having hallucinations or delusions. Negative is when one shows no emotion or flat behavior. Avolation is when a person shows little interest in whatever they are doing. Cognitive behavior is when you have disorganized speech or memory loss. Catatonic behavior is considered poor functioning such as your voluntary muscles

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