
Cause And Effect On Climate Change

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Climate change is an issue that is becoming more and more evident in today’s society. “Climate change is a variation in the unusual weather found in a place.’’ According to NASA researchers; People who study earth have noticed the Earth is getting warmer. “Earth’s temperature has increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last one hundred years. This may not seem like much, but small changes in the Earth’s temperature can have big effects.” (NASA). After many researches, scientist have come to believe there will be more snow and ice to melt and the ocean level will rise, get hotter, and other places will have colder winters with a lot of snow while other places have more rain than others. For example, Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida. This climate change will have a significant impact on the environment, biodiversity, and on human health.

To start off, climate change is an issue that is impacting the world. After many researches, it is illustrated that the major effect climate change has is on the environment. One problem being the emission of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases have being problem since the late 1900s. During the industrial revolution, the environment was severely impacted; the use of enormous amount of chemicals and the burning of fuel resulted in an increase of water, and air pollution to the environment. “Global climate change is real, and developing alternative energy sources and reducing global carbon dioxide emission

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