
Cause And Effect Essay On Calivegas

Satisfactory Essays

Every year Calivegas is a town that is abandoned but bad stuff happens. Every year everything has to be trashed before 8:00 but if they don't The Killer Clowns come and destroy the whole town. Then people had to have weapons. Batman had a BB gun and Justin Bieber had just a pocket knife but they had to be ready until the killer clowns come to kill Dora and her friends.

It was past 8:00 everybody went to hide when The Killer Clowns came to the town. When they enter the town the people look out of there window and they see little midgets that look like Killer clowns but they had dangerous weapons. Then people came out of there homes and started laughing but the killer clowns they started to get there weapons and try to kill everybody but everyone

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