
Caterina Cittadini Personal Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Saint Caterina Cittadini was a remarkable and inspiring saint as well as all of the others. She was born in Bergamo, Italy on September 28, 1801. Saint Caterina was raised in an orphanage ran by religious sisters where she grew and developed a strong faith. While entering adulthood Caterina worked and taught at a girl’s school in northern Italy. Soon Caterina felt a call to religious life and therefore started her own boarding school for girl’s. Later on after theses schools became a success more arose and because of this she wrote the beginnings of a new rule identical to the one of religious orders. Following this her Bishop encouraged her work and told her to write the rules of the new order. After two attempts this was finally approved …show more content…

Even Though she wasn’t granted with the best life in the beginning, by losing both of her parents at a young age, and growing up in an orphanage, she still strived to do the best she could for others. She found the Holy Spirit and connected with it, along with doing something good, and following the acts of Jesus Christ. In my future, I yearn to build something to help others who truly need it whether it be Catholic or not. One of my future goals is to establish and construct my own school/ daycare where Jesus’ teachings shine through but aren’t stated directly. I want to create an environment where there are positive surroundings and the teachings of God are represented. This task does not have to be completed by labeling the school as a Catholic daycare, it only has to be represented by teaching the ways of Catholicism and the 10 Commandments. For example, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not kill, Honor thy father and thy mother etc. It is important that we not just teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, but include life lessons and basic social skills. Also, spread the Lord’s teachings without being overbearing or evangelical, but instead doing it subtly. This is just like how Saint Caterina used and followed her spiritual connection to build something to help others and share the word of the

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