
Catcher In The Rye Chapter Summaries

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Plot: Chapter 1: Holden Caulfield is kicked out of Pencey Prep because he only passed English. Holden hates the school, but says goodbye to his favorite teacher. Chapter 2: He arrives at his teacher’s house but is put off by his appearance brought on by the flu. Spencer lectures Caulfield about why he failed, to think about his future, so he leaves early. Chapter 3: Holden is interrupted from his reading by Ackley, an annoying and disgusting student who lives next door. However, Holden’s roommate, Stradlater, enters so Ackley leaves. Chapter 4: Stradlater asks Holden to write an English composition for him. Holden asks why, and finds out that he has a date with Jane Gallagher. Chapter 5: After dinner and a snowball fight, Holden and Mal Brossard hangs out with …show more content…

He wakes her and is at first happy to see him, talking continuously but upon finding out of his expulsion, she gets sulky. Chapter 22: Holden gives her space to calm down, then tries to explain why he hates the school and was expelled. Not accepting this, she asks for one thing he likes, and he names his dead brother. Sally asks what he plans to do, and he imagines catching children falling off the cliff in a giant field of rye. Chapter 23: Holden leaves and calls his English teacher at a past school that had picked up James Castle’s corpse in a show of kindness. Antolini then invites him to stay at his house. His parents come home and he is forced to leave and take Phoebe’s Christmas money. In return, he leaves his hunting hat. Chapter 24: Holden arrived and sits to discuss what Holden hated about Pencey. They discuss Holden and the inevitable “fall” that will leave him bitter because he can’t deal with his environment. If only he applies himself will he see other people are not that different from him. Holden then falls asleep but wakes to his teacher stroking his head. Uncomfortable at the motivation, he leaves. Chapter 25: Holden ends up sleeping on a bench at

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