
Caste Systems And Indian Caste System

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The Indian caste system is historically one of the main elements where people in India are socially differentiated through classes, religions, regions, tribes, genders, and languages. Caste is a term which is used to specify a group of people having a specific rank. The Indian term for caste is jati and generally designates a group that can vary in size from a handful to many thousands. The various jati are traditionally arranged in hierarchical order and fit into one of the four basic varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. Each caste had a clearly defined role. Members of each caste were obligated to look after one another, so each caste had its own support system. This paper describes the role of each varnas in the society.
Caste systems played a significant role in the Indian social structure. Brahmins were the top of the caste system, and they were the priests, teachers, and judges who understood dharma very well. Dharma was the spiritual laws that govern the universe. The Brahmins served as the spiritual guides and teachers of the Kshatriya princes and warriors and preached to the political and military elites about the dharma. They often lived apart from the rest of society in temples. They were minorities in the society, but they were the highest class in caste. According to author Yadav, the Brahmins comprised three percent of the population and were ritually placed at the top of the caste pyramid. They have historically dominated social, cultural, and

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