Case #3
Jan began a business called “Sunny Daze for Seniors Ltd.”, it “takes seniors on various trips and adventures in and around Edmonton.” She offers biking and canoeing, for both of which she had to rent the equipment. Jan entered two separate contracts, one for five bike from Wes Wheely, and the second for “5 ultra lite, fiberglass, tip resistant” canoes from Boat Stuff Inc., with the stipulation for both to be delivered May first.
Jan vs. Wes
Jan’s first issue came May first when the bikes were supposed to be delivered. The next day Jan went to Wes’ shop to find out why the bikes never arrived, only to find out that he was drunk the day she came in to make the order, and, as a result does not remember the order, but Jan has the order slip in hand. Jan claims she will sue Wes, but he says that it does not matter because its “going under anyways”.
Jan vs. Vern
The second issue Jan faces comes when she takes her first group of seniors out canoeing “down the Saskatchewan River, from Devon to Edmonton’s downtown.” All of the people registered had paid prior, and upon arriving Jan went over all of the safety procedures with them, also having them sign a waiver that removed any and all blame for bodily harm from Jan and her business.
All of the canoers sign the waiver, and then proceeded to be equipped with helmets and flotation devices, then get in the canoes to go down the river. Vern, who was one of the canoers, and was a veteran canoer, was fitted for the helmets, but
Hardin gives different situations of people getting onto the boat. The first situation would be letting the boat get to the
42 USCS 3002, The Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 35, lists the programs for older Americans. The Aging and Disability Resource Center is a part of the State’s system of long term care.
In order to be properly prepared for an outage in the magnitude of what transpired to the CareGroup network, systems and process control may have prevented this unfortunate event from occurring. Instituting a preventive approach to network functionality and security, along with a contingency plan to deal with failures or breaches to the system should have been in place.
Despite its location, Dot’s Donuts shop was about to get famous. My friend named Luke just opened his first shop that sold donuts. Luke is a very nice guy he will help you any way he can. The way he started his donuts shop is his mom passed away and she left him the ingredients to make the donuts. We got his shop set up and ready for opening but the funny thing was the shop was around a lot of hot dog shops so we would get a lot more money. A couple of weeks has went by and everything was going good but one day out of the blue Luke got a phone call. He put it on speaker phone and they said ‘i have talked to the other hot dog shops and we think you should move your shop somewhere else because you are taking our money and people’! Luke said ‘i
Why wasn’t the child wearing a life vest, as required by boating regulations? The child wasn’t wearing a vest because according to the parents it was too hot outside, however as a parent one must always look out for their children. In this case it was a little odd that the parents allowed the children to be without the life vest on a moving boat. Why was she standing at the back of the boat, near the engine exhaust? Analyzing the situation and coming to a conclusion it is unclear why the girl was standing at the back of the boat without any supervision, or any other kid around, perhaps she saw something in the water that called her attention, although, I believe this girl was neglected by her parents by the little information that we have about, an internet service provider, needs to make a decision as to whether or not the company should outsource its online help desk service to a firm in New Delhi, India. caters to individual consumers and small businesses who require a high level of service and are willing to pay a premium for it. offers state-of-the-art email applications and web building software, as well as plenty of storage space and fast access via its high-speed servers. Pagoda's customers are more concerned with the high quality service that they receive than they are with the costs associated with it. Their customers
The sales volume and market share of Hy Dairies’ gourmet ice cream brand had picked up significantly over the past two quarters compared with the previous year. As the vice president of marketing at Hy Dairies, Syd Gilman credited this achievement to Rochelle Beauport, the assistant brand manager at the time, and decided to reward her with a newly vacated post of marketing research coordinator. Based on his own career experience, Gilman was very much convinced that the marketing research coordinator job would provide Beauport with greater career potential with Hy Dairies. However Rochelle Beauport, being one of the top women and few visible
One in six Canadians have a chronic disease, with these chronic diseases being especially prevalent in the elderly population, individuals 55 years of age or older. Elderly populations have four times the rate of chronic disease compared to the overall population (Government of Canada, 2017). In fact, population aging was stated as one of the three most prominent elemental determinants of chronic disease development, along with globalization and urbanization, by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005. One major form of chronic disease is osteoporosis, with related expenditures totaling over $2.3 billion per year (Tarride et al., 2012), contributing to the ever-increasing health care costs in Canada. However, many chronic diseases such
As many people know the baby boomers are entering into retirement and are classified as seniors. There are some who are unwell and others who are active seniors. Some are financially well off where others are financially struggling. Within Canada there are some non-profit agencies or government programs which try to help seniors, but there are always struggles due to the growing population and rising costs.
I visited a senior community center in my neighborhood known as the Cares Rao Musunuru, M.D. Enrichment Center. During my visit there I spoke with Mr. John who is the center manager and runs the center. Mr. John informed me that this Community Senior Center is one of several centers that offer a variety of activities to promote wellness, independence and enrichment to the lives and minds of the senior population throughout the community. He also informed me that this center is a branch of the Community Aging and Retirement Services organization (CARES) which also provides other services to the aging population, such as Home Health services, household services, adult care services and a Health Care Center that is at another location that members are referred to when in
Patients from the elderly population might seem as physically fit as any other person, but they are physiologically aging, their body functions start to decline, their muscles get atrophy, bones lose density, join pain increases, and mobility and physical activity decrease. Therefore, the importance for seniors of maintaining an active lifestyle. People over 65 years old must exercise regularly to avoid falls and being completely dependent. They need to feel useful to maintain good mental health. There are many programs designed to promote this physical and mental activity on elderly population. Senior care centers offer different schedule activities for elder to go there and have fun, socialize, eat for free
senior center- We should have one because when we have old people at seros. The old people can go to a senior center because there's a lot of people that can go their. But they are going to have karaoke or a jukebox or they can invite kids and tell them about them about the old days and the membership is twelve dollars. But you can also have bingo also an kids sections. With an pool and a daycare.but the kids center can have basketball court volleyball and an soccer field and you can go out there anytime but with adult supervision. but if you are 10 years old if you are mature and the walls are soundproof 100 percent.
Communication between the volunteer and the program assistant at the Lions Park Senior Center was direct and to the point when requesting to volunteer at the center. Since the program assistant was away for an emergency, the volunteer deal only with the secretary Ms. Janie. Conversing with Ms. Janie was very pleasant, well oral instruction steps were given and rules were explained, even though, no instruction book was read (Janie Vargas, personal communication, September 1, 2017). The members of the center also communicate with the secretary and she makes them feel at ease. Transmission of information with the members at the gymnasium must be done in a way that the new members feel welcome and motivated to utilize the facilities, and with
On December 22 2015, an order was placed with JD’s Distribution by a leading hotel. The order was scheduled to be delivered to the hotel by 2:30 p.m. on December 232015. At 4:00 p.m. on December 23 2015, the general manager of JD’s Distribution received a call from the food and beverage manager of the aforementioned hotel; there was a problem. The order which was scheduled to be delivered to the hotel at 2:30 p.m. has not been received. The food and beverage manager had guests scheduled to arrive at 6:00 p.m. on the December 23, and he did not have the products required to prepare meals for that dinner. At this time, the staff of JD’s had already left for the day. The general manager was left with no choice but to return to the business, collect the items and deliver them to the hotel in person. He was infuriated. The next morning a meeting was called with the staff of the warehouse to ascertain why such a situation occurred.
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