
Case Study: Serial In The Classroom

Decent Essays

In 1963, the entire country of the United States of America and the world was in a wide discussion due to the assassination of one man, John F. Kennedy. There was a wide range of speculation and conspiracy theory of how he was murdered such as how the secret services, the FBI, and the CIA was in a plot to have him killed. Similarly, there was a homicide case in Baltimore, Maryland where an adolescent known as Adnan Syed allegedly killed his girlfriend. The state has convicted him for this crime through the testimony of one man known as Jay. However, after fourteen years, Sarah Koenig a report created a podcast called Serial which broached the subject, resurfacing the subject to the public. Now with this new release of this media of the podcast, …show more content…

The podcast itself, is problematic due to the fact that there are ethical, racial issues, and inappropriate aspect of the podcast and thus, should be avoided in a classroom. To begin with, the podcast Serial should be avoided in a classroom setting since there racial concerns that are surrounding the podcast that can be endangering to the student’s mindset. Throughout much of the podcast, Sarah brings up a lot of suspicious aspects and incriminating evidences regarding Adnan without having a manner to verify the veracity of it.The fact that this is being done is problematic as this case has to do with an adolescent that is part of the visible minority in America, especially since, after 9/11 occured, discrimination against a visible minority has been on the rise, especially the rise of Islamophobia. To demonstrate, in episode 11 Adnan is called out by Sarah about how he stole money at the Mosque, which portrays not only Adnan under a negative light but also his entire ethical community about what kind of community they are. Not only does this podcast bring up negative aspect regarding Adnan but it also displays prejudice against Jay for his ethical background. Starting from the beginning of the podcast, whenever, Jay is being …show more content…

The current generation of students has a short attention span and the podcast Serial in the long run is too tedious for it to be an effective media for student to listen to. The entire season of the podcast is too long for a classroom setting. It takes too long to cover all the episodes in the podcast as there are 12 episodes. These episodes are nearly an hour long and after the first several episodes, the information becomes repetitive and redundant about the case. Personally speaking, as a grade eleven student when I listened to the podcast in class, I fell asleep from boredom as Sarah repeatedly mentions how events proceeded on the day of the incident, how Jay was untrustworthy as he constantly changed his story, and etc. It is simply a long, banal, redundant podcast that is a waste of valuable class time. My time was wasted listening to the podcast serial and other class should not suffer through a similar fate of listening to such a tedious podcast. Another aspect is that there is a lot of biased from the producer Sarah Koenig. This is problematic due to the fact that it will have students be more susceptible to conforming to the opinions of the media. If the biases that are presented within the podcast are not pointed out, some oblivious student will practically be brainwashed into leaning into a certain perspective. For

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