
Case Study : Sales Experience

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CASE STUDY: SALES EXPERIENCE THERE ARE SIX STAGES IN THE SALES EXPERIENCE THAT CAN BE SUPPORTED BY A SKILL, RESPECTIVELY AN ACTION. Researching Providing information about a particular product, about similar products, and having the ability to compare products. Purchasing Confirming the order, identifying the user, choosing a payment option and doing the paying. Waiting Providing delivery details, building excitement by telling facts about the product, and suggesting other products. Sales Experience Cycle Receiving Experiencing Waiting Dreaming Purchasing Researching Graphic adjusted from Google’s – The Online Customer Journey 22 STARTUPS BAIDU, MICROSOFT, AND AMAZON HEAVILY INVESTED IN DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF THE …show more content…

23 THANK YOU 24 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VOICE AND SPEECH RECOGNITION “Speech” Merriam Webster, n.d., “Voice” Merriam Webster, n.d., “Voice Recognition” Tutorialpoint, 2017, “What’s the di erence between voice recognition and speech recognition?” Agnitio, not dated, THE PROCESS OF VOICE INTO TEXT “How Speech Recognition Works”, Gabianowski, E., Nov 10, 2006, electronics.howstu “The 44 Sounds (Phonemes) of English, DSF Literacy Resource, n.d., ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS THE KEY TO WELL-FUNCTIONING ML “Introduction to Deep Neural Networks” Skimind, 2016, “Machine Learning” Rouse, M., n.d., THERE ARE THREE CHALLENGES TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE EXPANSION “Murder case will test privacy rights of Amazon Echo users” Robbins, G. Jan 03, 2017, ACCURACY “Intelligent assistant landscape shows slow growth but huge potential”, Opus Research, Feb 14, 2016, DATA PRIVACY: REGULATIONS AND HACKERS MIGHT HARM SUCCESS “Barbie becomes a hologram version of herself” Buhr, S., Feb 17, 2017, “Datenschutzbeauftragte Voßho warnt vor Amazon Echo” Wilkens, A., Oct 28, 2016, “Police seek Amazon Echo data in murder case (update)” Steele, B., Dec 27, 2016, “Prosecutors Get Warrant for

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