Orange grove farmers like Ricke Kress, face a huge dilemma due to the Citrus Green Disease. Orange farmers must make a choice to incorporate to GMO orange plants, and face judgement from consumers or suffer from the losing game of the citrus green disease plaguing their orange farms. This is due to consumer’s lack of understanding of what GMO is and how it can be beneficial to the consumers, farmers and the environment. Below we list the strengths GMO produce like GMO oranges can bring to the consumers financially environmentally and health wise.
Lowering costs for farmers and consumers Although GMO products have faced many backlashes by concerned consumers, the amount of benefits GMO produce offers to both Farmers and
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(Veasa, 2013) “In theory, genetically modified crops and animals will also be more environmentally friendly because they conserve water, soil, and energy. (Veasa, 2013) By using GMO crops, farmers will help the environment by lowering the use of chemicals for pesticides. (Staropoli, 2016) In return, this lowers the amount of fuel used in the vehicles to spray these harmful chemicals. (Staropoli, 2016) The minimal use of fuel by farmers for GMO crops will help lower pollution and help with the ozone degradation.
Longer shelf life One of the strengths of using and consuming GMO products is that they have a longer shelf life compared to the other produce. Researched test the shelf life of both a GMO tomato and a regular tomato and the GMO tomato remained firm for 45 days, that is 35 day more than its competitor the normal tomato who last only 15 days till it began to wilt. (Devlin, 2010) We throw away so much food way in fact, “As much as 40 percent of harvested fruit can be wasted because it ripens too quickly, the researchers from the National Institute of Plant Genomic Research in New Delhi, India, estimate.”( Devlin, 2010) Produce is being wasted; using GMO products like oranges can help us from wasting food and in return save money.
GMO foods save lives Although, the United States of America may has an abundance of food, in most countries that may not be the case. “The World Health Organization
Michael Behar explains in his article “Will Genetics Destroy Sports?” the threat of twenty-first century genetic science faced in the world of sports. Behar begins by providing anecdotes that describe what gene therapy is. He specifically examines IGF-I genes throughout. According to Behar, IGF-I genes is a hormone that promotes extreme muscle growth and swift muscle repair.
The controversy surrounding GMO. 's and the food industry has been a very hard fought battle for the past couple of decades and it has even become more so in recent times, particularly on the opposing side. Many groups against genetically modified organisms in food have been on the rise. As the trend towards "non-gmo" foods is becoming more popular, companies ranging from cereal producers to fast food restaurants are quickly updating their products to "Non-GMO" standards in order to meet the growing demand. But a disease affecting Florida oranges may begin to shift the view towards a possible "Pro-GMO" future.
“When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.” – Ursula K. Le Guin. No matter what good some people believe they are doing, everything seems to come with a consequence, and the question is whether or not the good overpowers the bad. Many experts argue that Genetically Modified foods are actually beneficial to, not only people, but animals, plants, and the world overall. Some experts even state that, not only are they beneficial, but that they also protect the environment and aid food productivity. Most farmers actually recommend GMO’s because they are easier to grow, maintain, and tend to be more profitable; however, countless other experts have come to realize that GMO foods are untested, unsafe, and unhealthy. Studies indicate that
One of the greatest accomplishments since 1982 is the invention of GMOs. They were first approved by the FDA in 1982 for Humulin, insulin that has genetically engineered E. coli bacteria. The thinking behind GMOs was to develop crops that were resistant to pests and diseases in addition to improve nutritional content. GMOs have helped numerous people around the world. They have made farmer’s crops have better yields and a more successful growing season. GMOs are beneficial and should be promoted because they are more economical and they increase productivity in agriculture; however, the opposition believes GMOs potentially cause health issues.
The governments and scientists were hoping that the GMO’s will provide to the public such benefits as increased food supply, helping underfed nations, assisting farmers, and better overall food taste. Because the crops are already resistant, this would allow farmers to skip steps in the production process, like spraying herbicides and pesticides.
While the agricultural world is working hard to make positive influences on more efficient farming, individuals have treated GMO’s as a negative alteration in their produce. Farmers and researchers in the agricultural world claim no harm can be done by them. GMO’s have not yet been proven to be harmful to humans and have, in fac,t had a positive impact on the food industry today.
Antoniou, M., Robinson, C., & Fagan, J. (2012, June). GMO Myths and Truths. In Institute of Responsible Technology. Retrieved from
GMOs could also have an effect on the environment. Crops are being genetically engineered as "Roundup Ready" so they can withstand massive spraying with the toxic pesticide, doesn’t readily break down in the environment, and ends up in our streams (Kids Right To Know). Stronger pesticides are being used because of new super weeds and super bugs becoming Roundup resistant. GMOs could also be harmful to non-targeted organisms. The pesticides and other farming techniques are life threating towards bees, butterflies, etc.
Ichiro Yamada, in John Okada’s No-No Boy, plays a major role in defining American-ness in the novel. From the very start of the book, readers may note that the rest of society indefinitely identifies Ichiro as Japanese, due to his unique appearance compared to the white majority of America and his refusal to join the military during Japanese internment. While Ichiro was interned, the government required a Loyalty Questionnaire to be administered to all Japanese interned in the camps. Two major questions determined, in Ichiro’s eyes, either acceptance or unacceptance into American society: one being the “will to serve in the army whenever asked and swearing allegiance to the United States and forswearing allegiance to the Emperor of Japan”
GMO foods were designed for various reasons; for instance, to enhance growth, resist parasites, hold longer shelf life, and hold a higher nutritional value. Controversy of GMOs is still prevalent, as they have been able to consume for over 20 years. Many are concerned because of the
GMO: “Why is it legal?” “Is it considered safe amongst consumers?”. Those are the two frequently asked questions. If GMOs are used on farms, are consumers rights and health at stake? GMOs are bad because they can cause health problems, environmental damage, and violation of farmers and consumers rights. The lack of GMOs labels plays a major part. How will consumers know what they're putting in their bodies? GMOs are used in 80% of processed foods. Yet, consumers fail to begin living “healthy” lifestyle, the consumption of GMO will drastically affect them.
This magazine gives the impression that it is trying to bring women the attention they deserve within the sports community, but are not receiving. Unfortunately the majority of the photos have the opposite effect, and perpetuate the traditional gender roles that keep men and women divided in the sports industry. Although there are a few exceptional articles, the bulk of the imagery on the site depicts happy, pretty, smiling women. There is an image of an Israeli Netball team, and the women are all smiling and joyous, with hands thrown in the air in a display of fun and femininity; a stark contrast to the type of serious men’s team photo typically found on men-focused sites. The images under the “Health & Fitness” section are particularly sexist.
The article contains necessary information to support why GMOs are more beneficial than harmful. The author believes that, “consumers should weigh the positives with the negatives and embrace this innovative process.” In the article, the author provides information about GMOs to be concerned about but successfully gives
GMO foods are not the most healthy or honest foods, but they are the most helpful. Many fruits and vegetables are engineered to be resistant to bugs and diseases that could cause famine. This helps farmers all over the country by giving them a better harvest. Also, non-sanitary soil has become a large problem in some places around the world. The soil made it harder for crops to grow in certain environments. To solve this problem, scientists could take a gene from a plant that can live in these conditions, and plant it into another crop’s genome. This would make the crop that
My thoughts about management are a lot different than the preliminary reading of the textbook, “Introduction to Health Care Management” By Buchbinder & Shanks (2011). The text suggests that a leader had an inherent trait (i.e., ethnicity, gender, body structure), and did not consider the characteristics of an individual. It is hard to imagine that such an idea could have ever existed, but from a historical viewpoint, it is required to know how things began. Fast forward, a century, I learned that companies discovered that leadership could be designed according to a certain mindset and ideas. From this reading, I acquired the most knowledge about leadership through the categorical contemporary model. The contemporary model focused on