
Case Study On Rhino Horn

Decent Essays

1. Reasons why rhinos are being poached 1.1. The number of rhinos being poached has grown rapidly in recent years and is being driven by the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries, particularly Vietnam. The main reasons people poach rhinos are for medicinal purposes and to have as a status symbol to display your wealth and success. In Chinese culture, a rhino horn is used to treat “fever, rheumatism and gout. They also believe that the horn can cure snakebites, hallucinations, typhoid, headaches, carbuncles, vomiting, food poisoning and devil possession.” The rhino horn is usually shaved into a powder, dissolved in hot water and then consumed by the patient. Some western countries believe that rhino horns are used as an aphrodisiac, but this is not true. However, people in Vietnam believed this tale and started to use the rhino horn for new reasons. They also use the rhino horn as a hangover cure. More and more people are buying rhino horns as a status symbol or …show more content…

The linkage of power of the private rhino owners will increase effectiveness of prevention of rhino poaching. The only way of knowing for certain whether the legalizing of rhino horn trade will work is when it is legalized. Extreme policies and legislation would be put in place to ensure that this system would work effectively.Another strategy to look at is whether the punishment for the perpetrators should be more severe and whether the use of a “shoot on sight” policy should be implemented when the culprits are caught in the act (Van Houlen, 2004). This would increase the risk for individuals contemplating to part take within the illegal activities of rhino

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