On February 16, 2017, Oldcastle Enclosures Poteau, Oklahoma was presented the 2016 Poteau Chamber of Commerce’s Civic Improvement Award, at the chambers 98th annual awards banquet. Oldcastle Enclosures – Poteau, having joined the chamber as a Platinum Table Sponsor in January 2017, received the Poteau Chamber’s Civic Improvement Award for the enhancements to their facility and property, in addition to bringing jobs back and reinvesting in the community. “We are honored to receive this award and recognized for the positive impact the company brings to the community,” said Bob Bogle, Regional Operations Manager. “I was pleased all of our employees could attend and consequently meet the Poteau mayor, who stopped by the Oldcastle table to congratulate
Later during the meeting, the Board of Commissioners presented Service Awards to Law Enforcement Officers of the county for dedicated years of service and advanced law enforcement
On Sunday, September 6, 1942, Holdingford celebrated the dedication of the nation’s first shrine built to honor the men and women, who were serving during World War II. The ceremonies began with a parade from the ball park down past the reviewing stand in front of St. Hedwig’s Church. A huge crowd of over 5000 were present to hear Governor Harold Stassen, Fred Schilplin, publisher of the St. Cloud Daily Times, and Rev. J. Kromolicki, pastor of St. Hedwig’s church speak during the dedication.
The highlights being an attached furnished home of the Jailer of 1893, original cells, old lightings and wood works, a chair canning room etc.
This report from the Ohio Historical Society proposes a Historic Site Management Plan for Newark Earthworks State Memorial. It provides details on how to use this plan, its methodology, the publics and advisory panel input and its priorities. Further, this document included a detailed chronological account of prehistory occupancy and important date, as well as, historical ownership and occupancy of the Newark sites. Discussion of their management framework included management strategies, access to the sites, cultural preservation, treatment plan and also, an informational brochure and visitor’s facilities. The appendix of this report include among other things, a brief history of Newark earthwork, deeds and leases, and also recommendations from the advisory panel. I find this significant because it contains valuable historical records of occupation and ownership post the 17th-century, and absence of any records of prior occupation and ownership of the earlier Hopewell culture, that is thought to have built most of these earthworks. Although this source doesn’t answer the question who built these earthwork and why was it built, it gives account of a solid comprehensive timeline from post European contact to modern century that I find relevant to the Newark Great Oval
"Being honored by our peers means a great deal to us. They understand our industry better than anyone else, and these awards show they feel we truly understand these fields of law and provide outstanding
Within just nine months, Pastor Patrick Neyman and his family went from living in a 1960's trailer to a ranch style home up on Backer Hill Road in Beaver Dams. With no money in bank, and only a handful of volunteers, Pastor Pat can't help but to call his new home a miracle. "I could take you around and just tell you miracle after miracle of how god provided for all of this stuff. We're just so grateful and so thankful," says Patrick Neyman.
The mayor, city commissioners, and community leaders will be invited to dress in costumes and read to families. A donation from Matt Danzig of as many copies of The Blueberry Curse to be read to the children at the HallowRead Rock-A-Thon would be greatly appreciated.
The book, The Glass Castle, by Jeanette Walls gives an intimate look at her family. The Walls family does not fit society’s expectations of normal, functional or healthy behavior. Nurses are particularly interested in assisting families in similar situations. This paper evaluates the Walls family as they interact with each other and their community. Nursing activities which may be of value to the Walls family are proposed and explored.
To Presiding Elder Floyd E. Chambers, Mrs. Hattie Chambers, Pastors, Ministers, District Officers, Delegates, Members, and Friends of the Canton District.
I had the pleasure of working with Deputy Chief Harold McKenrdy in the early stages of my career and as such know what type of man he was and for the core values he stood. Having such a prestigious award named in his memory is a wonderful tribute for his life and in turn support the academic efforts of young people who have an interest in law enforcement at the University of Guelph. D/C McKendry was a tough “old school cop” who also had an amazing sense of humour and warmth that he shared with those under his command. When Harold died, I had the honour of acting as his Honour Guard and the distinct pleasure of greeting all those in attendance for his celebration of life. If was a wonderful tribute for a man who gave so much of himself to better his community.
Part I of A Sand County Almanac is devoted to the details of a single piece of land: Leopold’s 120-acre farmed-out farmstead in central Wisconsin, abandoned as a farm years before because of the poor soil from which the "sand
It is with sincere gratitude and overwhelming appreciation that I send this email on behalf of the Office of Residence and the tri-county community (Somerset,Wicomico & Worchester counties):
District board of trustees. The other decoration was a Scholar Award presented to me by the
On May 18th, members from Oldcastle Precast’s Mansfield, Texas facility participated in a sporting clays competition fund raiser, benefiting the Longhorn Council Boy Scouts of America, based in Fort Worth, Texas. The event was hosted by Oncor Electric, along with Delta Oil & Gas and Hillwood Properties at the Alpine Shooting Range in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Cornell Bradford, who nearly lost his life two years ago, is one of five being honored as Young Entrepreneurs of the Year by the local Chamber of Commerce’s monthly meeting. The meeting is at noon at the Downtown Club on the 18th Floor of the Strohmeyer Building.