
Case Study Of Zara Group

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Zara Group study case
In this example can be seen how information and communication technologies (ICTs) influence on knowledge management processes within organizations and its influence on innovation and co-learning. The use of ICTs is increasing because nowadays the business environment is becoming more dynamic and complex and new strategic resources are needed for taking competitive advantages. (María Teresa GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ, p.994)
The unit of analysis is the Zara Group, which belongs to the Spanish company Inditex. It is a very global company which has been selected due to it does an intensive application of ICTs in its processes, mainly manufacturing and distribution ones, as well as its logistical processes. Because of this, it can stand out among its competitors. (María Teresa GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ, p.998)
Zara group uses management systems based on electronic communication or automation processes, which can mean positive effects on socialization, externalization, internalization and combination processes of knowledge management. (María Teresa GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ, p.994) …show more content…

Socialization means transforming tacit knowledge on another form of tacit knowledge. In other words, understanding tacit knowledge that is derived from interaction between people. Here, the concept of co-learning is present. Externalization consists on changing from tacit to explicit knowledge, it means to make it possible to learn by other people. Combination is related to transform explicit to explicit knowledge. It is based on the structuring of different explicit knowledge for creating new knowledge and eventually, internalization consists of moving from explicit to tacit knowledge, to make it your own knowledge. (María Teresa GARCÍA-ÁLVAREZ,

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