
Case Study Of Tendonitis

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Consult with your physician before starting any training program! Key words
Rotator cuff tear, tendonitis, tendinitis, tendinosis, tendon problems, joint pain, treatment of tendon problems, tendon inflammation, therapy of tendon disease, essential fatty acids. Purpose of title
As any person doing sports, and also many other people in their everyday life, I have experienced tendon problems in my activity.
I am a calisthenics enthusiast, and many years of medical practice have permitted me to understand some of tendon pathologies.
I was astonished …show more content…

Think about fever. It is nothing else, than the response of the body to make its defenses more active.
This was one type of tendon problem: Tendonitis. De Quervain tendonitis, for instance, in the wrist. Tendinosis
Second tendon problem that occurs invariably with athletic activity, especially when starting is tendinosis.
It has to do simply with normal growth of tendons in the body, when they are subjected to increased loads.
A normal process, but nonetheless painful.
How is that?
Think about growing pains in children.
If you have children or younger brothers and sisters, you know they all complain from pain, usually in the lower extremities, during maximal growth, especially during early adolescence.
Tendons subjected to bigger loads than usual, grow in a similar way.
How does this problem manifest itself?
Deep pain, or discomfort in tendons or fasciae (Flat tendon structures).
Painful limitation of movements even is frequently associated.
So if such pain occurs after you increased tremendously your maximal load, then you don't need to bother!
It's normal.
Sometimes, it lasts for one whole year or even 18 months.
This is again not abnormal.
And all of a sudden it

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