
Case Study Of Steve Harmon's Guilty Of First Degree Murder

Satisfactory Essays

Without a reasonable doubt I think Steve Harmon is guilty of first degree murder. I think this because, Bobo had just meet Steve right before the robbery. Steve had said that he was there for sure. King had said he knew a guy for this look out job. Bobo did not know if Steve was really going to be the look out person. Bobo and King went out to eat after the robbery. Bobo and King had split the money after the robbery and getting something to eat. So really Steve was just there to give a signal Bobo had said. Steve did not even know what was going on in the drug store. Cruz had a chance to grab a taste of money, but he did not because, he was afraid of Bobo. Cruz had said Steve was there at the robbery. Lorelle was at the drugstore getting cough

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