
Case Study Of Parrots

Decent Essays

5 Things you MUST know about your favorite pets - Parrots

Parrots are one of the best gifts of nature, almost fairy tail like appearance makes them one of the favorite choice as companions and pets.Here are 5 things that Every keeper should know about his/her bird1. Behavioral Problems?

After a lot of research through the years the consensus is that Parrots present problems less frequently than most of the other pets, Especially the exotic ones, like Macaws, African Grey and Cockatiels. These species have stable temperaments and are less probable to show aggressive behavior. Macaws, even the smaller ones have a wonderful sense of “bigness”, result of their genetic traits, and can sometimes overreact to unfamiliar objects or something they see as a threat. Other species like cockatiels, African Grey Parrot, small Budgies can show aggressive behavior during the mating season, especially males. They have a sense of protectiveness for their offspring-soon to be hatched. Wild parrots like Indian Ring Necks have lots of problems being confined to smaller spaces and can injure their keepers in aggression.2. Soothing or Noisy? …show more content…

The important thing here is the Introduction phase, you need to be very cautious when introducing two birds, because this moment will decide rest of their stay. Take extra care when introducing a smaller bird to a significantly larger one. To introduce them to each other you need to give them at least 1 day to get familiar with each other, keep their cages side by side, such that one bird can see the other. On the Next day let the birds play in the same area for some time, but keep a closer eye on them, do this for 2-3 days and if you see them getting along well then you can put them together. Else if one of the birds is getting aggressive then give them some more time to familiarize with each other a little

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