
Case Study Of Kiana Bee Stamps

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On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 9:44 AM, The Department of Human Service (DHS) Office of Program Review, Monitoring and Investigation (OPRMI) Investigator, Kiana Beekman conducted a phone interview with Eugene Neal in regard to a recertification application that had been received by the agency on December 4, 2015. During the conversation, Investigator, Kiana Beekman, identified herself as a DHS employee and Mr. Neal verified that he was currently receiving Public Assistance from the District of Columbia. On January 31, 2014, Mr. Neal visited the Economic Security Administration (ESA) service center located at 4001 South Capitol Street in Washington, DC to apply for food stamps only. According to the Automated Customer Eligibility Determination …show more content…

Neal’s mother and ESA Social Service Representative, Novella White failed to adhere to ESA policy and procedures when handling applications for processing of a family member. According to the report, on Saturday, December 5, 2016, Ms. White allegedly slid Mr. Neal’s recertification application, dated December 4, 2015, onto Social Service Representative, Deborah Bush desk while she had been preparing several other cases for processing. Upon receipt of the application, Ms. Bush placed the case in a basket in Ms. Burt’s office for review. On December 7, 2015, Ms. Bush informed Ms. Burt that she did not want to process the case because she has a personal relationship with Mr. Neal and aware that ESA policy and procedure prohibits employees from handling cases of customers who they personally know. Ms. Bush continued to state that the application appeared to be Ms. White’s …show more content…

Burt immediately reviewed the application and checked the Service Center Intake Log (SCIL) to verify if whether or not Mr. Neal had visited the service center on the documented date of the application; December 4, 2015. SCIL is a computer based tracking system that ESA employees use to register and validate the date and time that each customer visited the service center. However upon checking the system, there had been no indication that Mr. Neal had been physically present at the service center since he had not been registered in the system on the documented date of his application. Mr. Neal was therefore contacted by Investigator Beekman to verify if he had visited the service center on the date in question, in addition to confirm if whether or not he actually completed and signed the completed

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