
Case Study Of Ariana Santana

Satisfactory Essays

I have had the privilege of working alongside Ariana Santana the past three academic school years (2013-2016) at Simpson Elementary for the THINK Together program in Rialto, California. I served as her direct supervisor during this timeframe. Ariana is one of the lead volunteers in the program because of her longevity with us as well as her knowledge of the program. Her role as a volunteer consisted of homework assistance, leading enrichment activity lessons, classroom décor, administrative tasks, and organization of components in the program.

As a volunteer Ariana far exceeds what we ask of her. She does not need any instruction and goes out of her way to ensure all site expectations are being met. The students really look up to her and they simply levitate towards her charisma. Ariana has also taken it upon herself to work with intervention students to help them succeed. She has been a great asset and support to our team from the beginning. Ariana continues to demonstrate valuable abilities when working independently with students. Her strengths are seen in the administrative aspects of volunteering, knowing how to handle complex paperwork and dealing with issues that appear in the workday. …show more content…

Ariana has made such an impact on the program. My years of getting to know her have been nothing less than incredible. Her positive attitude as well as her meticulous organization and helpfulness truly impact our program in a positive manner. In my opinion, Ariana is a born leader with great managerial strengths, as well as the ability to learn from others. I was honored to present Ariana with The President’s Volunteer Service Award for the 2015-2016 school year for her service of over 100 hours. Feel free to contact me in regards to this

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