
Case Study: My Journey To A Christian College

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I interviewed my dad for this case study. He has not necessarily been through this situation, but he will be very soon. He is one of five children and his father is starting to age. He and his siblings will be dealing with this in the coming years, so I just asked my dad to give his thoughts on this. He stated several times that Teresa needs to make her needs be known and not let her children overstep her. She needs to let her voice be heard on issues and let her children know what is important to her. He said something that I agreed with and thought it was smart. He talked about how she should talk to her children and make a lot of these decisions before she dies or even before she goes into a mental or physical state that she is unable to …show more content…

I know my grandfather put aside money for each of his grandchildren to use for college. But, he said that it could only be used for a Christian college. When I first heard this, I was a little upset and confused why he did this. But, the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. It was something that he wanted and was passionate about, and wanted his grandchildren to be a part of as well. It was a good way to encourage us to go to a Christian college. Also, you never know when there is going to be an emergency of some kind.
She should be thinking and talking about what she wants to do when she dies. Funerals are not cheap, so it would be a good idea to set aside money for that. There is so much that goes into paying for a funeral, and it can add up quick. She needs to talk about what she wants with her body. Does she want to be cremated? If it ends up that the doctors need to pull the plug at the end of her life, what does she want? She needs to be clear and let people know beforehand. I am sure this is a hard conversation to have, and it is not something we like to talk about. But, it must be …show more content…

How is Theresa’s relationship with the son who is divorced? Is he a good father? All these things could be a factor in her will and what that son gets from her. This made me think about family and how we treat one another. If I do not have a good relationship with my parents or have not been kind to them, that will influence things. When I think about wills and dealing with a death, I think about the movie The Ultimate Gift, which is about a grandfather who leaves his spoiled grandson with a series of tasks to get “the ultimate gift” which he has no idea what it is. There is a scene where the grandson goes in to the attorney’s office and is expecting to get all the money from his grandfather, and instead gets a series of videos to watch and things to do. I think, this is a good reminder that it is not all about the money or “things” that are passed down to us. There are so many good memories and gifts that are not physical that we get from our loved

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