
Case Study: MVC, 0-9 Months

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Kira has demonstrated very normal physical developments in MVC, 0-9 months. Like most infants most of what she does in the beginning of her first three moths is to ear and sleep for most of the day. Since she cannot consume solid foods because she is very young , it was decided that she would be breast feed instead of being formula feed since it has been proven to provide more benefits to the baby, which would go on for the first six months on infancy. Some of these benefits being that the infant would be less likely to suffer respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections, fewer allergic reactions, and a lower rate of acute otitis media. It will also provide benefits in with growth, health and overall development (2017, L.O. 4.3). Initially the first few weeks she lost a little weight but begun to feed heartily and gain it back , MVC, 0 months. Once she reached the 3 months she was occasionally fussy around meals and would sometimes have diarrhea, MVC, age 3 months. There are various factors as to why this could …show more content…

She would spend most of the time falling asleep, slowly waking up. When she was not sleeping she was being breastfed. We know that this is normal because based on text; newborns sleep approximately 16-18 hours a day. Most of it consisting of REM sleep which is set to decline as she gets older because her sleeping periods will shorten and she will no longer need the stimulation in order to grow (2017, L.O. 4.1). This can be seen in MCV, age 3 months where kira is taking a nap every two hours and sleeping sox or more hours a day. There are those occasional days where she would stay up a night but since her sleeping cycle is now in sync with ours. At MCV, age 8 months, she is awake about half of the time, sleeping 8 hours during the night and naps during the day. Like it was stated in the text, she us no longer sleeping as much because she is growing and in not much need of REM

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