LABORATORY AND FIELDWORK SAFETY PUBH1369 15/08/2014 ASSIGNMENT 1 JESSE BALLARD – S3335008 BH077 - Bachelor of Engineering (Civil & Infrastructure) (Honors) Q1). Consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of managing health and safety risks. Employers are required to consult employees and their health and safety representatives about health and safety matters that could directly affect them. Circumstances and situation when an employer is required to consult with an employee are outlined in Section 35 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (VIC), they include: • Identifying and assessing hazards or risks to the health and safety at a workplace; • Making decisions about the measures to be taken to control risks to health and safety at a workplace; • Making decisions regarding the adequacy of the facilities for the welfare of employees; • Making decisions regarding the procedure for resolving health and safety issues at the work place, consulting with employees, monitoring the health of the employees and employer and providing any information and training to employees; • Determining the membership of any health and safety committee and; • Proposing changes that may affect the health and safety of the employees including changes to the equipment or substances used or how work is done. Q2). An employer/PCBU is required to consult with all
1.2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting
State how changing circumstances within the workplace could cause hazards & the methods used for reporting changed circumstances, hazards and incidents.
What are your responsibilities under current health and safety legislation, standards and guidance, eg the Health & Safety at Work Act (and any other relevant legislation).
Task 4Ensuring health and safety is an important responsibility not only for the Managers but all associated with the premises. Evaluate your organisation’s health and safety policy and procedures in line with legislative requirements and propose recommendations on how health and safety should be managed
Candidates are required to outline the main employee and employer’s responsibilities under the following health and safety legislation:
Also to avoid dangerous moving and handling, the employees then have the responsibility of making sure they use all equipment as they have been trained to do so, follow all health and safety working practices within their workplace, avoid putting themselves, other staff, individuals or visitors at risk, and making sure they report any hazards or risks to their employer.
Employers have duties under health and safety law to assess risks in the workplace. Risk assessments should be carried out that address all risks that might cause harm in the workplace. Employers must give employees information about the risks in their workplace and how they are protected, also instruct and train their employees on how to deal with the risks. Employers must consult employees on health and safety issues. Consultation must be either direct or through a safety representative that is either elected by the workforce or appointed by a trade union. It is an employees duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety. If possible avoid wearing jewellery or loose clothing if operating machinery. If the employee has long hair or wears a headscarf, make sure it's tucked out of the way (it could get caught in machinery). To take reasonable care not to put other people such as fellow employees and members of the public at risk by what they do or don't do in the course of their work. To co-operate with the employer, making sure the employee gets proper training and the employee understands and follows the company's health and safety policies. Not to interfere with or misuse anything that's been provided for their health, safety or welfare. To report any injuries, strains or illnesses they suffer as a result of doing their job (the employer may need to change the way they work). To tell their employer if something
‘provide clear information, supervision and training for employees and ensure that suitably competent people are
Explain the roles and responsibilities for Health and Safety of key personnel in a selected workplace (P3)
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.
health and safety procedures and practises should be under continual scrutiny and areas for improvement should be monitored and dealt with. A good method of monitoring & improving are health, safety and security procedures are visually. Check visitors have signed in the visitor’s book, look for items blocking fire exits or hallways, wet signs are in place during cleaning, COSHH cupboards are kept locked, medication trolleys are secure, hoists are clean and stored in a correct storage place. Policies and procedures need to be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant, circumstances in workplace can change and new risk assessments will need to be put in place or old ones reviewed. Policies and procedures may need evaluating and developing
This responsibility motivates the HR department and managers to implement stringent policies to prevent work-related injuries to avoid paying for higher workers’ compensation insurance. Moreover, it inspires the company to promote safety by organizing a safety committee to address hazards in the workplace to prevent injuries or deaths. The committee solicits employee suggestions and participation to increase compliance to company policies. It also develops various safety programs to promote employee wellness to improve their quality of life (Gomez-Mejia, et al, 2010).
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting
making sure employees are aware of the health and safety aspects of their work (e.g. posting information on notice boards, keeping an information file such as COSHH, training, and providing
Health and Safety Regulations aim to improve safety in workplaces, making employers and employees equally responsible for ensuring that they protect themselves and others from accident and injury. The regulations refer to such things as clean kitchens, safety guards on machinery etc., If an employee is injured at work because of breaches of these rules then compensation can be awarded. Most health and safety legislation places place the responsibility of health and safety on the employers. The responsibilities may however be delegated to other competent persons such as fire warders, first aiders and care takers but the employer still