
Case Study: Joseph A. Kennedy V. Bremerton Board Of Education

Decent Essays

Petitioner Joseph A. Kennedy has filed suit against the Bremerton Board of Education in opposition of the Bremerton Board of Education’s actions placing Kennedy on administrative leave as a result of his religious expression on the football field. Kennedy has been a football coach at Bremerton High School in Washington for eight years and has a reputation of being a popular and well-respected coach. After being strictly told by the school administration to stop praying on the 50 yard line after football games and ceasing to follow their request, Kennedy’s was placed on administrative leave. Kennedy is an active Christian who chooses to briefly, privately engage in prayer at the closing of each football game. He believes that he is thanking …show more content…

Private religious speech includes words that are recited by a person or group to themselves and not for the sake of the public and therefore not publically announced. According to Capitol Square Review & Advisory v. Pinette, private religious speech on public property is protected by the First Amendment. This case stated that the Ku Klux Klan could not be denied the right to assemble a cross in a state-owned plaza in close proximity to a state capitol that featured other secular and religious sacraments. According to the court, private religious freedom is “fully protected by the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression” (Hurst). Kennedy’s actions of praying to himself, regardless of the fact that students voluntarily joined him, are supported by the decision in Capitol Square Review & Advisory v. Pinette because as stated by Justice Scalia, private religious freedom is a right that all people have that is protected by the Free Speech Clause. Bremerton High School is a public school and the property of the state of Washington, therefore Kennedy’s praying cannot be regulated or prevented by the Board of Education. Kennedy’s praying is not being publically announced nor is it furthering the practice of one religion over another thus is protected “secular private expression”, or religious …show more content…

According to Sante Fe v. Doe, the religious freedom of someone that is protected by the First Amendment is only violated when the school “affirmatively sponsors the particular religious practice of prayer.” The Court also decided that the Free Speech Clause and the Free Exercise Clause protect religious activity that is the result of individuals practicing privately. Based on this precedent, it is clear that Kennedy does not “affirmatively sponsor” a specific religious practice of prayer (Sante Fe v. Doe). In no way is he affirmatively supporting one religion by praying on his own time. Kennedy is not announcing to others the nature of his prayer or religion, nor is he telling others to come and join him in his prayer. Based on this case, a direct interpretation of the constitution would prove that there is nothing in the Constitution that bars a teacher from voluntarily praying at anytime. When applied to Kennedy, it is evident that as a religious person it is even a service to his students to not pray during school hours, even though the constitution does not ban him from doing so. Kennedy prays privately and not during school time, something that is evidently not a violation of the First Amendment. Most importantly, he does not publically sponsor his religion at the school. (Christian

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