
Case Study: Is Qigong An Effective Treatment For Anxiety?

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Is Qigong an Effective treatment for Anxiety? What is Qigong? Qigong is a part of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that uses breathing and energy exercises to help heal and bring the body and mind into balance. Many people have used Qigong and claim that it has improved their health or even cured serious illnesses. In this paper I will conclude if studies can prove whether or not Qigong has been proven to be effective for anxiety. Reviewed studies by Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume (2013), showed fifteen studies were done and reviewed to see if Qigong was an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and psychological well-being. "Three groups were studied: subjects with chronic illnesses, depression, and healthy subjects" Wang (2013). All of the studies were done on adults and many were done with different races and genders. According to Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume (2013), "Anxiety decreased significantly for participants practicing Qigong compared to an active exercise group [15, 34]." Wang, (2013) The study review also showed …show more content…

It also suggests that because Qigong is shown to have positive effects on immune function and other health problems, it could have a positive effect on anxiety related to those issues. Many of the studies reviewed were done on participants over age 50. "A review in 2009 74 of Tai Chi and Qigong in older adults found 36 clinical trials with 3799 participants and concluded that Tai Chi and Qigong practice causes significant improvement in depression and anxiety. " Abbott, Lavretsky ( p.109-119) However, there was one RTC study done that had negative effects on anxiety. This article supports Qigong as an effective treatment for anxiety, but better controlled studies need to be

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