
Case Study: Child Observation

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At around 4 p.m. this worker arrived at Amber’s home were the children were scheduled to be dropped off by Ms. Gadis. When the children arrived they greeted their mother with a hug and kiss. Amber then instructed the children to put their things away. Amber then provided the children with a snack and told then they would be eating pizza for dinner. After they put away their things they talked to Amber about the type of pizza they wanted and seemed very excited. Amber stated she would be ordering the pizza soon but they could go upstairs and play the game together. Amber, David Jr, and Bre’Asya play the game for over an hour before getting ready to eat dinner. They laughed and joked with each other throughout the activity while made the activity fun for them. …show more content…

Amber drove her vehicle and the children rode with his worker behind Amber to go pick up the pizza. When Amber arrived at Pizza Hut she ran in and got the pizza as this worker and the children waited in the car. When the family arrived home they ate pizza together and continued to play games with each other for the remainder of the visit.

During the visit the family was happy and interacted with each other in a positive manner. There was no need for this worker to intervene during the visit as Amber had control of the visit. She had the day planned with activities that the children enjoyed.

At the end of the visit Amber hugged them and gave them a kiss before watching them walk to the vehicle. Amber watched the children get into the car, shut the door, and buckle their safety beats before closing the door.

Following the visit the children were transported back to placement 6053 East 39th Indianapolis, In to Mrs.

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