
Case Study: Candor Central School Technology Plan

Decent Essays

Candor Central School Technology Plan
Spring/Summer 2015

We believe that the following factors are shaping the use of technology in our school:
We would like to see a shift in focus within our organization from one of standardization and compliance to one of innovation and experimentation; to one based on the products students create that demonstrate individual growth based on student learning goals; and to one where students are actively driving their own learning.
Technology is becoming increasingly decentralized allowing for information to be accessed anywhere at anytime. Computer and communication technologies are an increasingly ubiquitous part of instruction across many disciplines necessitating a more flexible and mobile deployment …show more content…

Professional development opportunities during early release days and summer curriculum work will support teacher training in how to utilize technology to enhance district and teacher learning objectives.
Smart Schools Bond Act money will enable the district to implement a robust wireless network to support the increasing number of mobile devices the district is purchasing for student use. We have begun to purchase and install commercial grade access points that will support mobile access.
Teacher and student access to websites, blogs, and Google Classroom will continue to increase communication between parents and the school. Formative assessment tools can also support parent involvement by connecting parents to student data. Learning platforms like Google Classroom will allow learning to move beyond the school walls, allowing teacher/student communication after school, on weekends, and during school breaks

School Year
Desired Outcomes …show more content…

Increase student and teacher safety and ethical use of digital tools.

Increase use of efficient technology tools to streamline teacher work time.
Encourage an attitude of reflection within the district.
Ensure positive user experiences.
Phase 2 of Chromebook rollout. Another 150 chromebooks will be distributed throughout the district. Access points will continue to be upgraded.

Upgraded switches and servers and Access points
Open guest access to district network.
Phase 2 of eDoctrina training for use as a formative assessment tool and as a tool to monitor student improvement.
Integration and training in School Tools.
Ongoing lessons for ethical and responsible use of technology tools.
Summer 2017- Teacher training on best practices for a 1:1 learning environment.
Increase student fluency with technology, increase access to experts outside of the district, and broaden the audience for student created work.
Ensure positive user experiences and a robust wifi environment.
Increase access for students and community

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