
Case Study: Black Entertainment Television

Decent Essays

In 1979, Johnson and his wife Sheila established Black Entertainment Television, the main link system focusing on the African-American market. It was dispatched in January 1980, at first television for two hours a week. In 1991, BET turned into the primary African American-claimed organization to be recorded on the New York Stock Exchange. The system has kept on developing since that time, achieving a huge number of homes and extending to incorporate other customary and computerized channels. In 2000, Viacom reported arrangements to buy BET. The deal was concluded the next year and Johnson's larger part stake earned him more than $1 billion, making him the wealthiest African American in the United States around then and additionally …show more content…

So he wandered into the print distributed world in 1991 by turning into a noteworthy financial specialist in Emerge: Black America's News Magazine, furthermore started to distribute his own particular magazine, Young Sisters and Brothers . By 1994 he had additionally extended to an alternate medium by adding to a BET radio system that was show on across the country stations that concentrated on urban music. While some of these ventures would fall by the wayside before the decades over, they helped the BET organization pick up a firmer hold as the chief media supplier of diversion for African …show more content…

Johnson marked an agreement with Viacom to remain the CEO and executive of BET until 2005. The purpose for the merger, as per Johnson in Black Enterprise was that BET expected to "deliver approaches to contend forcefully against substantial combinations—utilizing the greater part of their benefits. Furthermore, we reasoned this was an open door for us to adjust our image to their image and have entry to the assets they would convey to shoulder." Many individuals felt that by permitting BET to be purchased by a vast company, a predominantly "white" run operation, that Johnson was abandoning his endeavors to deliver quality African-American programming in lieu of monetary profit. Yet Johnson demonstrated numerous pundits wrong by not just remaining focused CEO of the organization, additionally utilizing Viacom's assets to support viewership about 23 percent the year after BET had been sold. After a year, he experienced harsh criticism again to be under the Viacom thumb when Tavis Smiley, a famous anchor person on BET, was terminated subsequent to giving a meeting to the American Broadcast Company (ABC) before offering it to BET or to CBS, which is claimed by

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