
Case Study 1: Generative Software Development Essay

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Case Study 1: Generative Software Development Advanced Software Engineering –CIS 518 February 17, 2013 Case Study 1: Generative Software Development Generative software development is a development that permits products to be produced automatically through different specifications. This type of development happens in two phases the first phase consist of the domain engineers developing the product down to generating the software mechanisms. Once development is completed, then each individual product is produced. The normal software development process would normally consist of several different models that have a particular set of task that have to be set forth during a certain point during the process. The software …show more content…

There would also be a problem with saving old data that is not used any longer saving and archiving information without the loss of any data during the transfer. Making sure that the development team understands the new process and how the implementation will take place. These challenges will be easy to overcome first thing would be to test as much as possible before implementation to try and catch any errors that may come up and make sure all of the developers are using and coding the new application with the desired language that was chosen for the application. Also having a back place to store the data before integrating the data so that just in case the data is lost during the implementation there is a back-up location to access any of the organizations data. Developer will had had several training sessions on the new process and there will be at least three meeting a week during implementation to ensure everyone is on the same page and to make sure that the process is running smoothly to have a successful implementation. The generative software development process might be applied to an organizations development process to quickly automate the system and create a streamline of applications that work and can be integrated without several phases to follow before implementation can occur. This can be used for

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