PREPARING MARKETING CASES FOR CLASS DISCUSSION, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN ANALYSES Prepared by: Dr. Arjun Chakravarti, Assistant Professor, IIT Stuart School of Business I. BACKGROUND Although cases are based on real events that actually happened, the best way to prepare for cases does not involve conducting research to determine what actually happened. This is because the case situation is often quite different from the corresponding real world events on which the case is based. These modifications or differences are written into the case to help instructors emphasize specific topics or aspects of the situation from which one may generalize marketing lessons. Thus, what really happened is not always the best gauge to a satisfactory …show more content…
For example, it is useful to question the judgments/opinions of people portrayed or quoted in the case. Sometimes what is stated as fact is just opinion or merely speculation. This may provide some perspective to the source of the problem in the organization. Finally, avoid excessively broad and unrealistic problem definitions. For example, even in situations involving the reexamination of a business definition, the problem statement must focus on specific issues such as the definition of customer groups, customer functions or the technologies to be used. Your objective is to learn by exploration, discussion and argument in as logical a framework as possible. As discussed earlier, there are no clear cut solutions or black and white answers. The actions of managers described may or may not illustrate good handling of marketing problems or assignments, good analysis of relevant data etc. You must decide between good and bad. To start you thinking and to get you to explore as many areas as possible, questions are often provided with a case. These are not meant to be limiting. Use your own imagination, knowledge of marketing prionciples, and common sense to determine what is or is not central to solving the case problem. B. Case Analysis The preceding remarks provide some direction in approaching a marketing case. The analysis frameworks discussed in class is a good checklist for organizing your analyses of the cases. You are
may be subject to penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University.
2. List the questions raised about this situation or that you think that the investigators should ask of the
Second, the manufacturing order costs for non-stocked items was calculated by dividing total manufacturing order costs for non-stocked items by the number of orders for non-stocked products. Non-stocked products have additional costs associated with processing orders that went above and beyond the costs associated with a stocked product. The third step involved determining what the S"A allocation factor would be for calculating the S"A volume related costs. This allocation factor would then be applied to manufacturing COGS. The fourth and final step involved the calculation of the operating profit based on backing out volume related costs from sales revenues followed by deducting S"A and manufacturing order costs from the resulting gross margin to arrive at a operating profit.
You notice the chart of the elderly man who lives across the street from you sitting out on the counter of the nurses station. You are very concerned about him, but aren't going to be the nurse taking care of him. How should you handle this situation and why?
I. Executive Summary II. Situation Analysis o Market Summary Target Market Demographics Geographic Demographics Behavior Factors Market Needs Market Trends Market Growth o SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats o Competition o Product Offering o Keys to Success o Critical Issues III. Marketing Strategy o Mission o Marketing Objectives o Financial Objectives o Target Markets o Positioning o Strategies o Marketing Mix o Marketing Research o Action Plan IV. Financials o o o V. Controls o o o VI. Summary Implementation Marketing Organization Contingency Planning Breakeven Analysis Sales Forecast Expense Forecast
University of Arizona Accounting 554 Case #1: Dow Chemical Company Goals: • • • Become familiar with a set of financial statements including auditor opinion and significant accounting policy footnote, Perform basic analysis and interpretation of the financial statements, including common size analysis, Recognize the role of estimates in the measurement of financial statement amounts.
The Australian Legal System response to the Mabo case has changed greatly ever since the first time it was introduced. Many different acts were introduced and/or amended as a result of this case. The effectiveness of the law and the law reform in protecting the rights of individual and society at large is demonstrated throughout this essay.
The EITF lays out six factors in which if any are met, the proceeds are considered debt. The first is whether or not then transaction takes the likeness of a sale. The case could be made that because PEI is receiving a percentage of an existing drug, it is in essence a sale. The second factor deals with Pharmagen’s future involvement in the future cash flows. Obviously since Pharmagen will retain the intellectual property rights they will be actively involved in the future cash flows. Because only one of the factors needed to be met, the funding received takes on the appearance of debt and none of the other factors need be examined. Accordingly FASB says the amounts recorded as debt should be amortized under the interest method (ASC 470-10-35-3). As stated earlier this method deals with sales of future revenues which implies the completion of the drug is probable. Due to the large amount of risk associated with the industry, this probably will not be the best accounting option.
The Court Must Reevaluate the Abood decision Notwithstanding Stare Decisis; Abood Failed to Evaluate Whether Its Rationale Satisfies Exacting Scrutiny:
written case assignment later in the course. The Whole Foods Market case sets the stage very
After having a very successful performance and getting second place on the first Littlefield simulation game we knew what we needed to do to win the second simulation game. We were very eager to outperform our competition and we almost did so, but ended up in second place again with a cash balance of $2,660,393.