
Case Interview: Incarcerated Hispanic Men

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On June 9, 2015, I interviewed a formerly incarcerated Hispanic male. For private reasons he didn’t want for me to write all of his name complete, the ex-prisoner is named Manuel. He is 45 years old, and he was sentenced to jail for a time of 48 months. I met this person because he was a neighbor of my grandma who lives in Tijuana, Mexico, so, I decided to interview him because he was the only person that I knew that he barely came from jail. Manuel barely finish his sentence 5 months ago in the Taft Federal Correctional Institution. I decided to meet him in a coffee shop in Tijuana, Mexico, by the reason that he doesn’t have a visa to cross the border. (All of the interview was in Spanish, but I have translated it). In this paper I will interview …show more content…

Manuel answer with a yes that he was under a rational mind. According to the book, Crime and Behavior by the editors Sylvia Valenzuela, Paul Kaplan, and Stuart Henry states in the first chapter the rational choice perspective, it is “the assumption that offenders choose crime because of the benefits it brings them…the rewards of crime can also include excitement, fun, prestige, sexual gratification, and the defiance or domination of others” (p. 15-16). From my observations Manuel acted with a rational mind he knew the pros and cons of his actions. For example, Manuel knew that if he smuggled drugs illegally to the United States he will be caught and sent to prison or he could get a huge reward economically. Manuel knew that be around people who were a bad influence he could be manipulated and be menaced with death. But, Manuel decided any way to accept the criminal acts he committed. So, Manuel enforces the idea that he acted with a rational mind, he decided to plead guilty and suffer the consequences, which was to be sentenced to prison, but he knew that by pleading guilty he will get out from the drug traffickers He wanted to go to jail because if not in the future he could be killed or be even more manipulated by his bad influences to commit harsher …show more content…

But, as the years passed he gained new skills to become a better criminal. Manuel has an estimation of 20 years that has been with bad influences of drug trafficking. Manuel stated that all of the things he have learned was by interaction and observing others. This is an example of social learning theory, according to the book Crime and Behavior, there are 9 propositions under the social learning theory, “criminal behavior is learned by interacting with others, especially, intimate others” (Valenzuela, Kaplan, Henry p.85-86). Manuel also practiced imitation, which is under the dimensions of Aker’s social learning theory. “Imitation occurs when an individual engages in a behavior that is modeled on or follows his or her observation of another individual’s behavior” (Valenzuela, Kaplan, Henry p.95). This quote enforces Manuel’s experiences he wanted to imitate other powerful people that were part of the group he joined. He wanted to be more powerful and gain more money. Which led Manuel to imitate other person that require him to not follow the law, which the main focus was selling and distributing

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