
Cartesian Persepectivialism In Art

Decent Essays

Jay exposes the problems established by the dominant scopic regime, Cartesian perspectivalism (Jay 5-7).
--Eye = Mind
From Richard Rorty's Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
"In the Cartesian model the intellect inspects entities modeled on retinal images. . . In Descartes' conception--the one that became the basis for 'modrn epistemology--it is representations which are in the 'mind.'"
Cartesian optics fits a scientific world view and becomes the means of thinking about ourselves and the world around us. It establishes "a harmony between the mathematical regularities in optics and God's will." See Descartes and Linear Perspective.
--Space becomes isotropic, rectilinear, abstract, and uniform. With the visual pyramid between view and the painting then another between the painting and the vanishing point, the object of study and the viewer are subjected to Cartesian persepectivialism. …show more content…

The viewer is outside the viewed scene and captures an eternal moment.

What is Lost in such Perception? (Jay 8-9)
1. The withdrawal of the painter's emotional entanglement
2. de-contextualization. "as abstract, quantitatively conceptualized space became more interesting to the artist than the qualitatively differentiated subjects painted within it, the rendering of the scene became and end in itself."
3. The visual field shown on the canvas becomes a portable commodity.

Assumptions about the Viewer (Jay

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