
Carney, Cudd, And Yap: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Carney, Cuddy, and Yap (2010) formulated a conjecture speculating how different poses consequently alter an individual on a mental, emotional, and physiological level. Specifically, the article focuses on how high power posing in contrast to low power poses causes testosterone levels to rise, in turn causing cortisol levels to decrease, thus, empowering individuals to take more risks. I did not enjoy reading this article. The article lack convincing evidence. The additional sources focus on individual points that encompass particular parts of their ideas, but not their overall argument. After reading it, I felt as though I had too many unanswered questions such as: did they test for any other hormones, did knowing the outcome of the dice affect the results, and did the …show more content…

However, I would like to discuss both the negative and positive attributes the work contains. One strength would be based on inclusion of specific hormone based data. The foundation of their argument is based on how the rise and fall of certain hormones causes people to react to situations differently. The methodology of presenting these participants with a risk that could go either way and showing a statistically significant response correlating with the poses was a crucial strength. However, one weakness would be the failure to include a control group. The researchers took baseline data of participants’ hormone levels, but this limitation is still problematic because without a control, the study has two independent variables being tested without a benchmark to measure against. Therefore, the data they collected cannot be adequately compared or trusted. I would also be skeptical as to the authors’ interpretations because if they fail to include a control group, then I might infer they already suspect particular results. So, as we have talked about in class, there could be researcher bias that skews these

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