
Carl Zimmer's The Primary Force On Human Behavior

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Human Behavior Human Behavior makes people behave the way they do. Can anyone analyze 100 billion brain cells and determine how and why the mind functions the way it does? How is it that people can be similar in physiological terms, but are yet so different in psychological terms? I believe the primary force for Human behavior is influenced my biological decision making because humans make decisions that will benefit survival, this is why it is biologically ingrained in our minds. People also risk their lives to save others because it is best for the survival of the human species, and certain behaviors are instructional and come without conscious thought. Humans make decision that will benefit survival because it is biologically integrated in to the mind. Evolutionary psychology are the patterns of behavior that have evolved from natural selection. We behave as we do because we are designed to increase the chances of our survival long enough to replicate our genetic material. For example, a police officer who patrols and send criminals to jail, and sleeps with a lot of women are responding to the biological imperative to make the world safe for their genes. I've always followed the “Golden rule”: Do to others what you want them to do to you. I hope that one day me spreading kindness, and fairness will allow, not only others but my future children to follow in my footsteps. In Carl Zimmer's "Whose life would you save?" he discusses the evolutionary beginnings and the

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