Final Paper - Jung
Theories of Personality
In this paper I will show some of Jung’s back ground, his theory, and speak of his contribution to the world of psychology. His contribution was a great one, and it was said that many of his theories were more complicated than many of the other psychologists of his time. As I read about him, I began to appreciate his passion for this subject.
There were a few reasons that I chose him. First, I think it’s amazing his contribution to figuring out, ”personality types.” Second, I find it interesting that he was spiritual, and incorporated some of that spirituality to his theories. He was one of the theorists that took an approach to the
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Personality Psychology helps an individual to define their human nature, and how that nature is different from other people, but in various similar situations. For example, based on
Jung’s theory of personality, an introvert may be shy, compared to an extrovert, when placed in a social setting. Personality Psychology also might help a person to have a strong sense of oneself, may assist them in understanding why they cope certain ways, or react to particular things that happen. A therapist knowing this psychology can also shed light to their clients when helping them to cope with life. According to Jung’s theory, we all have some introversion, and some extroversion, but are primarily one or the other. This is where people are similar. Human beings are like each other because of our ability to have set backs, fears, failure, and have emotions that come from within, when we experience hardship in life. Whether we react in an introverted way (inward thought), versus extroverted (outward thought), is imperative and shows our similarity as well. That we must all go through some form of process mentally, as a coping mechanism, when things happen to us, or around us. Jung’s theory on the Persona, anima, animus, shadow, and the self(Ashford, 2011), can differentiate us as human beings.
Upon reading about the Shadow, it reminded me of the darker side of us. The part of people that is mysterious, or thinks bad
Some of the things I found interesting were that how he explained all Canadian hockey players are born in January and the reason that Asian people are good at math is because their ancestors cultivated rice paddies instead of farms. The more I read his stuff the more I am fascinated by what he does. He maintains his I- see-the-world-differently attitude. I was amazed and surprised at what I learned about what makes people successful. He takes an event and analyzes and explains it in an insightful and entertaining way.
I've always found it incredibly hard to describe myself. I feel like I don't really fit into any specific category because I have many different traits from different personality types and don't just fit into one set group. Looking at the archetypes Carl Jung came up with, I can definitely see that I identify with several different archetypes. Starting with ego, I think I identify most with the orphan/regular gal. The orphan wants to belong, to fit in, and not lose themselves in trying so hard to fit in. I struggle with this a lot, actually. I always feel the desire to want to fit in, I want to blend in and connect with people without standing out too much. I want to make friends and have people to talk to, but I also don't want to be singled out and have
There are 4 Temperaments ranging from Guardian, Artisan, Idealist. and Rational. Upon taking the Jung Typology Test I received ENFJ or, Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. (“Finding Your Passion,”2017).ENFJ would fall under the Idealist temperament. A moderate preference for Intuition over Sensing and Judging over Perceiving was established. ENFJ means my temperament is that of an idealist or a teacher. I am not surprised that I was matched with an idealist however, a teacher did take me a little by surprise. I always joke that I would love to be a motivational speaker however, I do not have enough patience to watch people continue to make poor decisions without offering some not so constructive criticism. This article stated teachers
Carl Gustav Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist and the successor of psychoanalysis with important intellectual movements of the twentieth century. In his early career, Jung was influenced by the theory of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis (Breger 2000, p. 217). However, they came into disagreement in notions which then broke their relationship. It was because Freud’s view of myth was based on reality, which there was no religion involved, whereas Jung though that myth was based on both reality and religion. Consequently, Jung’s notions were commonly accepted by society because of the wider context. Then, through his research and clinical findings, he developed some concepts like archetypes, collective unconscious, shadow, extrovert and introvert and persona (Carter 2011 p. 442). These concepts help Jung to deepen the explanation about myth. For Jung, myth is a projection of archetypes and collective unconscious. Their form are universal and identical with every society back into history. Myth can be identical because the original form, the archetypes, is configured to be the same among human's unconscious globally where people's psychic realm encounters certain motifs and typical figures that built into the structure of man’s unconsciousness (Jung Myth Ex. 3-4). According to Edward Tylor and James Frazer, myth and science were contradict where science was factual and myth was not (Segal 2003, p. 48). Therefore, myth has an important role in human nature and modern
1. Which personality type does Myra display, according to Freudian theory? Provide evidence for your answer. What caused it?
The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality. Freud believed that the personality develops in a series of five stages that develop the three divisions of personality. In the oral stage, the fixation is in the mouth, and would be the cause of his introverted nature; likewise, in the anal stage, Roberto would discover his reserved nature, while the phallic stage, he would further refine his reserved nature as a sense of humility in his actions, also defining his mild mannered portion of his personality. In the latency stage, his social skills would refined and he would become introverted. Freud would think that Roberto’s mild-mannered, reserved, and invertedness is caused by intense suppressing of the id by the ego, having Roberto adopt the personality that he does; however, Karen Horney would classify Roberto’s personality in respect to her theory of neurotic personalities- personalities typified by maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships- with moving away from people by withdrawing from personal relationships.
The Myer- Briggs profile is based off Carl Jung, who had conjectured that there are four foremost mental capacities by which people encounter the world. There are eight letters that are utilized in the Myer-Briggs Test. The letter E represents “Extrovert”, I represents “Introvert” the other I represents “Intuition”, F represents “Feelings”, J represents “Judging”, P represents “Perceiving”, T represents “Thinking” and S represents “Sensing”.
"Each type of habit is terrible, regardless of whether the opiate be liquor, morphine or
The strengths and weaknesses of a committed actor can be paradoxical. For this area I chose to consult with an acting colleague of 17 years. I thought it was necessary to have an objective perspective to honestly describe what has been observed from someone that knows me, personally. The following paragraph from a close friend and veteran actor explains this quandary in her description of me.
Although many of his theories would not be put into experimentation today, they were perfectly matched with the psychology he developed. It is possible that without his straightforward approach, we would not have the many fields of psychology today.
In the 1920’s, a Swiss psychologist named Carl Jung devised a theory. Jung didn’t accept the idea that the behaviors of people were random. Instead, he was a firm believer that the differences between individuals were a result of how people use their brains. Jung claimed that “what appears to be random behavior is actually the result of differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities.” (The Myers & Briggs Foundation). Jung realized that people typically function in one of two ways, take in information or make decisions, and that people usually are more comfortable alone or around others. With all these observations, Jung wrote a book titled Psychological Types, which introduced the idea of personality and psychological
Carl Jung was a Psychologist and psychiatrist who developed a form of analytic psychotherapy. Many of his Ideas can be paralleled to religious spirituality and healing in India. In this paper, I hope to provide information about Carl Jung and his ideas about psychoanalysis, different methods of religious healing in India, and a comparison of the two.
Introversion was defined as “withdrawn and often shy, and they tend to focus on themselves, on their own thoughts and feelings” (Jung, 1923) Therefore focusing on this personality trait can help to better understand why people tend to be reserved and withdrawn from everyday life. Carl Jung was the creator of the neopsychoanalytical approach, which focused on psychic energy. While Gordon Allport and Hans Eysenck contributor to the trait theory, focused on biology and individualized traits. Jung, Eysenck and Allport focused on extrovert vs. introvert, yet had completely different ideas of how introversion is seen in everyday life. Personally believeing this trait is one I carry, focusing on completely different approaches will bring light to many explanations of why people act the way they do, including myself. By using both case studies and personal work from the works of Jung, Eysenck, and Allport researching introversion should not be a an issue. Although there is a lot of work to do with introversion, through this research one can get a better overview.
Individuation can now be described as the process of becoming whole. According to Jung, who throughout his life especially the latter half of his life, strived to become one with himself and integrate all the components of himself (Storr, 1991). Jung states that the first part of a person’s life is to have a place in the world. He goes on to state that one must cut ties with their parents and start their own lives, with their significant other (Storr, 1991). Jung had to abandon mundane things to reach his individuation (Storr, 1991). He proposes that a person must leave earthly things to reach individuation. For example, an educated person must leave his academic work to self-analyze and become complete. Jung himself let go
Carl Jung was one of the first people who helped build up the trait approach , he came up with the two of the most likely used words used to describe individuals; Extroversion and Introversion. For Jung however the term extroversion referred to “an orientation toward things outside oneself, whereas introversion refers to a tendency to turn inward and explore ones feelings and experience(cite textbook). Introverts are in tune with their inner feelings so they are most likely to look at the world in terms of how it affects them whilst extroverts live their life surrounded by other people so they are most likely to be concerned with the impact they have on the world rather than the impact the worl has