
Caribbean Music History

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The history of Caribbean music is directly correlated to the history of the Caribbean itself. That islands were invaded by outsiders whom inflicted violence, slavery, and genocide. It comes as a surprise that Caribbean music is aimable despite this formative background. Blame it on Christopher Columbus, the first European to land in this region in 1492. Based on Columbus's voyage, Spain claimed the entire region as its own. This displeased natives or Spain's European neighbors; within a few years, bloody battles raged across the islands of the Caribbean, fought by Spain, France, England, Denmark, and the Netherlands. All these battles, and diseases brought from Europe, decimated the native tribes knocking out entire cultures. Thus the Caribbean was colonized as part of the various European empires. the native culture was further eroded when the Europeans imported African slaves to work the sugar and coffee plantations on their island colonies. In multiple cases, the native cultures, and the native musics, were replaced with those brought over from Africa.
The most important instrument in Caribbean music is the drum. Besides being the foundation of African music, which slaves brought with them to the area, drums are inexpensive, simple and can be handmade. Nearly all Caribbean music possesses a strong beat created by drums. Most drums are some version of the bongo or the larger congo, which is a smooth wooden drum that is played with the hands. Tassa drums are conical hand

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