
Career Research Papers

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Career and College Research Paper “A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others” ("A Quote by Salvador Dalí."). This quote has great meaning to me because inspiring people is something that I would love to have the opportunity to do every day. A career such as Multimedia Art and Animation would allow me to do just that. Multimedia Artists and Animators create visual effects for several different forms of media such as television, movies, and video games (“Summary”). This career interests me because it incorporates several things that I enjoy, programming, video games, and art. It is important for me to understand the education, training requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties of my chosen career. The work environment of Multimedia Artists and Animators is majorly from home because many are self-employed. Those people that are not self-employed work in motion picture and video industries, professional, scientific and technical services (“Summary”). When working for a motion picture or video industry the work hours are mostly regular. …show more content…

The lowest initial salary for a multimedia artist is about $36,930 ($17.75 an hour). The median salary is approximately $63,970 ($30.76 hourly). Animators can earn up to over $120,000 yearly ($55 an hour) (“Summary”). A similar career is art editing, they create the overall look of a magazine ("Game Designer"). The median salary of an art editor is about $31,710 (“Summary”). Another similar career is a graphic designer, using images and text they create advertisements for print and websites ("Game Designer"). The median salary for a graphic designer is approximately $46,900. The salary for an animator in Oklahoma, on average is about $45,000. This is immensely different from states such as California, where the median salary is $82,810

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