
Career Research Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction: For my research paper , I hope to accomplish many goals. I believe itś very important that I start looking at the future so I know what job i may way want to do in the future. I hope to see the amazing opportunities I can have by looking ahead at jobs and see what job best fit me. Last but not least I want to accomplish a project and receive a good grade and my best ability. Survey Results: For this project I was asked to take a Career Cluster Survey and a Basic Skills Survey. The first survey was a very important one because it asked questions about specific careers and I clicked the the ones that i like to do and things I do now. When I finished my test my results said the types of jobs for me would be either Agriculture …show more content…

There were several careers in this cluster that caught my eye but I believe the job for me would be to become a Manufacturing manager. Overall Manufacturing Managers need to know how things are made. These people are Usually hands on with things and I like being hands on. Manufacturing manager and engineering are closely related to each other and most Managers did engineering. The day in the life as a Manufacturing Manager is laid back and making sure things are getting done and looking over machinery. Manufacturing Managers get paid roughly about 90,000 dollars a year with about a 40 dollars paid hourly. Not only do I like the job but I like the money. Since 2008 manufacturing managers have decreased in the US by 7.65% and if I believe so by the next 2-3 years it will drop even more which will the raise the pay of manufacturing …show more content…

While taking math my goals is to accomplish making it to the hardest level on high school math so if I'm ever challenged with numbers I can possibly solve it with ease. Also reading is very important in the manufacturing world because you´re going to have to know how to read. My goals in high school for reading are very simple, and they are to become a better reader and become more of a fluent reader and not struggle as much. In high school I plan on being on sports teams if I have the ability to be chosen to be on the team. While doing these sports I will use them as a way to stay out of trouble outside of school and use them as a tool to help me develop into a team player and be able to adjust to situations that may be challenging. During school I hope to be the hardest working student there and I won't allow that not to happen. Once volunteering options open up, I will more than likely get involved, because that too will help me to become a more rounded and mature student. College

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