
Career Counseling, And Super 's Development Theory

Decent Essays

Career counseling theories are as diverse as the counselors who practice them and the clients who experience them. Understanding and applying the appropriate theory for each unique client is imperative. Many career counselors use a variety of theories and techniques when working with students through their exploration and career commitment process. Career theories I will describe in this piece include, Social Cognitive Career Theory, Solution-Focused Career Counseling, and Super’s Development Theory. Additionally, theories I do not see using in my practice include, Trait and Factor Theory, John Holland’s Theory of Types, and Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise.
Limitations arise in all career counseling theories; …show more content…

Three significant foundational themes of this theory are, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals (Brown, 2016). Self-efficacy is an individual’s personal beliefs about their ability to perform specific behaviors or tasks. Outcome expectations refer to beliefs related to the valued outcomes or consequences produced from executing behaviors. Goals are defined as the decision-making process to engage in a task or activity. How these variables interact with other aspects of the persons environment, (gender, race, outcome hopes, personal goals, and genetically-determined characteristics), help in the career and academic decision-making process. It is also believed that individuals efficacy development is influenced and altered when interacting with theses environments (Brown, 2016). In short, individuals will mainly be interested in activities seen as possible and achievable, and where they will experience positive results. SCCT is an appropriate theory to apply with college students who choose a major based off a topic they did well in during their undergraduate year. For example, a student who excelled in a statistics class, might think they should become an accountant because they achieved a high grade. On the contrary, college students may stay clear of certain majors and careers because they did not do well academically. For example, a student may want to be a doctor, but does not perform well in biology class, and discourages the

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