
Care of Children with Diabetes in the School and Day Care Setting

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Diabetes in a Classroom Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood, with a prevalence of 1.7 affected individuals per 1,000 people aged less than 20 years. In the US, 13,000 new cases are diagnosed annually in children. There are about 125,000 individuals less than 19 years of age with diabetes in the U.S. The majorities of these young people attend school and/or some type of day care and need knowledgeable staff to provide a safe school environment. Both parents and the health care team should work together to provide school systems and day care providers with the information necessary to allow children with diabetes to participate fully and safely in the school experience. The American Diabetes Association takes …show more content…

An individualized Diabetes Health Care Plan should be developed by the parent/guardian, the student's diabetes care team, and the school or day care provider. Inherent in this process are delineated responsibilities assumed by all parties, including the parent/guardian, the school personnel, and the student. These responsibilities are outlined in this position statement. The Diabetes Health Care Plan should address the specific needs of the child and provide specific instructions for each of the following i.e. blood glucose monitoring, including the frequency and circumstances requiring testing also insulin administration (if necessary), including doses/injection times prescribed for specific blood glucose values and the storage of insulin, and meals and snacks including food content, amounts, and timing, symptoms and treatment of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), including the administration of glucagon if recommended by the student's treating-physician, symptoms and treatment of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) and testing for ketones and appropriate actions to take for abnormal ketone levels, if requested by the student's health care provider. The school staff action tools have been developed to assist school personnel in managing diabetes at school. The actions for the classroom management require receiving training on diabetes basics, a training program for school personnel so appropriate care can be

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