
Cardiovascular System Vs Respiratory System Essay

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The human body is not simply just an organism, or just body. The body is comprised of many different systems. Although these systems all work together with one common goal, to maintain homeostasis, perhaps there are not two systems that work more closely together than the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Although the entirety of each body system has a generalized common goal, these two systems share a relationship. The both focus on providing oxygen to the blood, and then ensuring that this richly oxygenated blood is circulated throughout the body. The whole human organism would fail if it lacked just one of these systems, and the individual systems would fail without each other. To fully understand how the two work together, one must fully realize the functions of each system apart. The respiratory is not one of the biggest systems of the body, but it is one of the most commonly known. However, this system is not simply ‘for breathing’ or ‘the lung system’. In fact, these notions only …show more content…

The two most significant to the coexistence of both systems being the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein. The pulmonary artery carries the blood lacking in oxygen into the lungs (Bailey). From there, the oxygen from the air sacs goes into the blood vessel, while the carbon dioxide comes out (How Does Oxygen Get Into the Bloodstream) . Upon this moment, the organism exhales releasing the carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the now oxygenated blood travels throughout the body, which especially important for the muscles. Oxygen is required for the muscles to preform any sort of strenuous activity. Faster paced breathing and an elevated heart rate aren’t random symptoms of a good work out. The blood must quickly transfer oxygen to the muscles. This is so that the muscles have the ability to create adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) which carries

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