
Cardiovascular System Lab Report

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The cardiovascular system (Fig 1) is vital for the function and survival of the human body, it consists of three independent systems that work together; the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. The cardiovascular system delivers essential nutrients; amino acids, hormones and oxygen to cells, whilst also removing waste; carbon-dioxide. The heart, a muscular pump, propels oxygenated and deoxygenated blood throughout the body via networks of arteries and veins; delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. As oxygen enters the body through respiration, glucose is oxidised, as a result energy is obtained. The human body requires energy to maintain, build and repair cells and tissues and helps facilitate the chemical reactions that produce energy from food. During exercise the cardiovascular system works harder, the muscles require more oxygen and nutrients, resulting in the quickening and the strengthening of the heart. The heart-rate changes depending on activity levels; becoming higher during exercise and lower during rest. Exercise helps regulate blood flow throughout the body, improving cholesterol and fat levels, reducing resting heart-rate and helping keep blood vessels open. The results that are expected to be …show more content…

In biology it is expected that due to an increase in duration of exercise the body’s muscles and tissues require more oxygen to produce energy, resulting in an increase in heart-rate. The data collected was not precise as it was not tightly grouped, there was irregular time in between each exercise trial, because of the use of different human beings. The data was somewhat reliable, however, as only one trial was conducted additional trials, three or more with each subject, would ensure a more accurate average. The average taken for each trial was not reliable as each subjects’ fitness and biological levels

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