
Cardiorespiratory Case Studies

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The American Heart Association established that cardiovascular disease is present in 40% of adults 18-60 years of age, and 70% of adults over the age of sixty. Currently it is estimated that 20% of children and adolescents are obese, and 35% percent of adults are obese. Obesity in conjunction with insufficient physical activity leads to a decrease in cardiorespiratory fitness levels, and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The Cooper Institute in Dallas Texas conducted a study which included forty five thousand men, and fifteen thousand women. The data collected from this study has proven cardiovascular fitness to be one of the strongest indicators of cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality. Patients that had multiple risk factors such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, …show more content…

The study participants included 55,137 men and women ranging from eighteen to one hundred years old. The study was executed by performing a compressive exam on each of the participants. The exam included a resting blood pressure, total cholesterol, blood glucose, BMI, and cardiorespiratory fitness level which was measured with an exercise test using a treadmill. A questionnaire was then administered to assess each individual's level of physical activity, how often each individual runs each week and the duration of each run in minutes. Participants were monitored from the date of the baseline examination through their date of death. The results concluded that in comparison to nonrunners, runners had a forty five percent lower risk of all-cause mortality, and mortality caused by cardiovascular disease. This association was concluded regardless of age, sex, smoking alcohol history, BMI, or comorbidities. In addition non-runners had an average lower life expectancy of approximately three

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